Chap 35 - My Stepbrother

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Hey guys! I'm sorry I haven't updated as much. My brother moved away (miss him everyday) and his wife is pregnant. I'm so happy. It's a boy. Okay, yeah so I've been visiting.

Stay strong, stay gold, you cannot let anyone bring you down. You are you and theres an amazing person that's going to see that one day.
- N

Listen to A heart like yours by Willamette Stone to this chapter. <3


I felt like an idiot, just standing there, people surrounding me. I looked once more at the paper and ran through the halls to the exit. I ran, as fast as I could, until I reached home. I opened the door and ran to my room and locked the door. It's only 9 am. I laid on my bed and that's when I fell asleep sobering.

When I woke up, I saw a figure standing in front of me. It was dark in my room, due to my curtains. I looked closely and saw it was " Mike" I whispered and he came closer and sat on the bed.

" Hey Katey" he smiled. That smile just melts my heart every single time.

" What are you doing here?!"

" I came to check on you" he sounded worried. I don't need him to worry about me. Why is he even worried?!

" Oh" I sighed, he looked at me and placed his hand on my shoulder.

" Are you okay?!" I looked weirdly at him.?! " I'm fine" I mumbled.

" Are you and Lexi, like... Dating again?" I ask, dead curious about his answer.

" Never in my life am I dating a psycho like her again." He joked and I frowned. " The picture?" Was that just old or something.

" That was from last year. She likes to play with people's minds. Be careful Katey. But I'm always gonna be on your side." He told me and I smiled

He laid down on my bed and after discovering that he's actually not going anywhere, I lay beside him. " So..." I start.

" Eh, What is that ring on your necklace?" He asks, looking at me and then at the neckless. I took the neckless in my hand and the memories came back. " it was the last thing my father gave me before he died. He told me to hold onto it and wear it when I find the love of my life. It's the ring he gave my mother when he proposed. " I tell him, my voice breaking and tears almost slipping down. " I'm I'm sorry. I shouldn't ha-" I buried my face in his chest " It's okay. It's not your fault" I tell him and he stayed quiet until I heard.

" My mother left me." He starts and I widen my eyes " You don't have to" I tried, but he shook his head " I want to." I nod, he half smiled.

" She would always complain to my dad how annoying I was and how I wasn't her child anymore. One day, I came home from school and got my first detention, she freaked out and slapped me on the cheek. I obviously told my dad about everything and he got so angry. They got into a big fight and she ended up leaving the house and never came back again. She would always say to me how ugly and stupid I was. Back then, I was just 8 years old or so and couldn't remember a thing, so I blamed my dad for it my whole life, up until I was 15." He told me and he didn't have an expression. He was blank. I looked up at him and smiled " You have a great family now." I told him and he nodded " I know, but that's the thing. I don't want you to be my family. I want to hold your hand, kiss your cheek in front of everyone." He sighs, I didn't know where he was going with this?

" What?!" I widen my eyes. Did Mike Thompson just say that to me?

" Yes. I like you Katey and believe me or not, I think a lot of you. You are pretty much the best thing in my life at the moment." He tells me and I move closer to him. I kiss his cheek " I like you too Mike Thompson" Wait, did I just say that?! Why would I?! I mean, I know he just confesses to me, but I would never survive the awkwardness the next day.

Otherwise, I do like him. He makes my heart float and he makes my stomach go wild. " Yeah.! Doesn't everyone?" He joked and I punched him playfully.

" Don't flatter yourself" I giggle, my face burning.

" So. Katey, will you be my secretive Girlfriend? I promise you won't regret anything." He asks, I looked closely at him. I can't date him.?! Isn't it like illegal? My answer surprised me.

" Yes"


Hey there, beautiful?! Yaaaay they're dating. What do you think?!

Bye..... Till next time

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