Chap 27 - My Stepbrother

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Hey guys! Hope you like this chapter🙈❤️ Love ya





The worst part of sleeping is when the alarm is annoying. I turned it off and Groaned lifting my upper body. I walked, as I walked I saw Mike sleeping really tight and peaceful on the other side of my bed. 

Last night came flushing back on my mind. Did we have sex? Oh my god. No. I panic as I was looking at Mike only wearing his underwear.

" Mike" I sat down on the bed and poked him on the shoulder. He turned around groaning, still asleep.

" WAKE UP" I yelled and he flew up from my bed. His eyes widen when he saw that I waked him. " What the hell?" He raised his eyebrows.

I took the alarm and showed him that we would be late for school. " I'm up" he stood up and walked towards the bathroom.

I opened my wardrobe and took out my black leggings and Matt's grey hoodie that I stole from him before I moved.
After putting my clothes on and brushing my hair.

" Hey! Hurry up. I need to use the toilet" I shouted for Mike to hear and he opened the door to my bathroom.

" What's stopping you?" He smirked, looking down at my clothes.

"Uhm. We need to talk about last night" I started.

" Yeah! It was incredibly amazing" his eyes twinkled and he had a wide smile on his face. Is that Mike Thompson.

" We can't ever do that again" I made sure he agreed.

" Why not?" He shook his head.

" Because our parents are getting married," I said in a duh tone and looked into his eyes.

" So.. What does that have to do with us?" He exclaimed.

I huff " Just stop" I lifted my hand up in surrender.

" whatever" he Rolls his eyes and left me the in the bathroom. I did as usual.

My hair

Brush my teeth

Washed my face

I walked downstairs and saw my mom looking down at some papers. I frowned and walked by her side to see what she was reading.

Decorations for a perfect engagement party

I looked at my mom and giggled.

" what's this?" I asked.

" I want this to be perfect" she replied in excitement. " It will" I whispered and kissed her cheek.

I walked to the kitchen and poured myself water and some pancakes that were made by Luke, I think.

I pulled my phone out and saw a message from Mike.

Isn't he upstairs? Why is he texting me?

Babe, if you need a ride. It's now. I'm waiting outside.

I smirked. Do I need a ride?

Defiantly. Emily and I haven't really had a conversation for a while and I'm defiantly not ridding with Ben if I don't want to end up in the hospital.

I walked outside and saw Mike and his BMW waiting for me. I giggled to myself and opened the passenger seat and closed the door after myself.

" Are you okay?" I asked him. After that thing with Ben and Lexi, he must be out of his mind.

" I'm fine," he said moments after realizing what I was talking about. I shrug and opened the car window. He drove really fast and that caused the wind to take my hair. I laid my arms on the window and rested my head on my arms. It was an amazing feeling.

We arrived at school and as usual, we both walked together and went our separate ways to our first class.

My first class was English with Mrs. Dwaine. I huff and Walked into class and found a seat at the back.

" Hello, Class." She greeted and we all groaned in reply. " Don't moan yet, you don't know what's coming" She annoyingly used a different voice, that made us all roll out eyes and listen to her lesson.

After an hour of listening to her talk about England. " The English currency is dropping rapidly now that they've left the EU, and even their prime minister has resigned!" She wrote it on the board and I took notes.

" There's no homework today, but next time I'm going to look forward to everyone reading about The English politics. "Is she serious right now?

We all groaned and finally the bell rung and we all ran out the door.

I speed walked, but I bumped into someone and I looked up to see who it was. Ugh.



Hey sorry for the short chapter, but I'm busy with my nephews coming to visit and cleaning... Promise I'll make it up to you xx

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