Chap 24 - My Stepbrother

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" Mike" I yell. What the hell is he doing? He can't just do that to me.

" Oh hey. Sorry" he mumbled looking down at his feets and passed by. What is his problem with me?

" What is your problem?" I asked. 

" Well, actually nothing. It's nothing. We can't ever 'kiss' again" he came close when he said 'kiss' so no one else would hear it. What a douche. Of course, we can't kiss, we're going to be siblings.

" I know," I whisper yelled.

" Okay, good" he took a napkin and left to his table, as did I.

" what happened," Emily asked, she was probably curious. " Nothing" I mumbled looking down at my food. I wasn't sad, seriously. I was just really embarrassed and I didn't want Mike to think, that I'm just some cheap girl that doesn't like her mama. I'm not. I'm actually really loyal, friendly and I'm nice if you get to know me. Well, Mike has better things to do. I would bet that he's just sleeping with her for fun. He doesn't like her, if he did he never would've kissed me, right? And they say if you like two persons, choose the second, cause there wouldn't be a second if you really loved the first. 

" Hello" Emily clapped her hands in front of my face.

" What" I blinked. They both looked at me really weirdly. What did I do.?

" We called your name like three times," she said and I thought. What if I have feelings for Mike? Oh no, no, no, I don't. I know I don't. I wouldn't have

" Sorry" I apologized and took a sip of my water. " Okay. My house after school?" Marcus asked and I shook my head. " Can't. I have to meet Ben Walker for our project." I replied and they both nodded.

After finishing my food I walked over to the trash and emptied my plate and walked out, with only my water bottle.

The halls were so empty, that I could hear myself breath. I walked to my locker and got my books for my Literature class.

I got in the class and sat at the back. The teacher came in after a short while and did his job. I listen to all of the stuff and noted some important things down. After what felt like 10 minutes the bell rang and it was time to meet Ben, ugh. I speed walked out of the class and to my Locker. I got my science things out and walked towards the library.

I walked in the silent Library and walked around. I saw a Liberian doing her job. She smiled nicely at me and continue doing her job. I walked around until I found Ben sitting there reading something in the science book. Is he actually reading? Woah.

I smiled at him, when he didn't recognize my existence, I cleared my throat and it caused him to look at me with a wide smile.

" You came" his voice sounded weird. It was like there were something sitting on his throat. " I did" I smiled and sat down next to him. " I'm glad" he responded and I just smiled.

" Okay, let's begin," I asked, and he nodded, thank god.

After 2 hours of studying and reading a lot, I was tired and hungry. " I'm gonna go home," I said and he nodded, then quickly said "No. Would you like to get something to eat, maybe McDonald's!?" He asked and I just nodded. I need food, anyways. Actually, he wasn't that bad, he didn't do anything when we were studying, he didn't flirt, touch or irritate me. I'm surprised actually.

We both walked out of the empty school and I made my way to Bens car. I opened the passenger seat and hopped in. He drove, soon he parked in McDonald's parking lot. I hopped out and got in the restaurant.

" What can I do for you Miss" A girl around our age stood at the cashier and winked at Ben. " I'll just have a vanilla milkshake and 2 large fries, thanks" I stood aside to let Ben order. " I'll have a big mac menu with Coke," he said and the girl kept giggling. " I'm sorry, but I'm taken" he reaches his hand out to mine and I just go for it. " Yeah, his mine," I tell her and kisses his cheek.

He face fell with a smile and she quickly did our order. She was embarrassed, she should be, she can't just flirt with a guy that brings a girl with her.

" Thanks" he smiled, our food was sat in front of us, we took it and found a place to sit. " That kiss on the cheek, by the way, it was amazing" he grinned, don't begin. " We could" I interrupted

" Nope! Stop it! " I whisper-yell and ate my fries. He took a huge bite of his Big Mac causing me to giggle.

" Don't you laugh" he threatened.

" Oh Okay" I replied and kept eating my food. Once we were finished, we walked out of and in the car.

" I want to go home" I whined.

" Okay! I'll pick you up tomorrow for school?" He asked. Wait. " won't people talk?" I wondered. He shrugs " I don't care what they say." He seemed confident about it, so okay. "Yes" I tell him and then he drove the car to my place. Soon enough when we arrived I opened the door and hopped off.

" Bye Ben Walker" I waved and he just nodded, before driving off.

I opened the door to the house and walked up to my room. I changed my clothes and laid on my bed.

Ben Walker isn't that bad, at all.

That was the last thing that crossed my mind before drifting off to a peaceful sleep.


Booringgg I know.!! Wait until next chapter..!

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