Chap 23 - My Stepbrother

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I woke up to my Alarm ringing showing that it's 6 AM, I groaned and lifted my upper body and walked up to my bathroom and took a quick shower to help me wake up.

 I let the water hit my body and stay there for a while. After 20 minutes of heaven, I walk out of the hot water and dry myself with a towel and blow dry my hair. I took out my straighter and straightened my hair and put on some mascara to make my eyes pop. Usually, I'm not that kinda girl. I don't dress nicely or makeup. And I defiantly don't do it for any guy, come on.

After straightened my hair, I walked to my wardrobe and found a nice white shirt, some black jeans, and my white converses. I took that out and put it on. I looked in the mirror and thought to myself that I look nice and no one should tell me otherwise.

I took my MacBook in my school bag and walked down to the kitchen. I took my phone out and saw 5 Messages.

Hey babe, I'm coming to pick you up for school. - Emily

Hey, when should we work on that project? - Ben

I rolled my eyes at his message, come on. Can't he just give up.? I'm not some booty call or rebound.

Hey, I miss you! Not that same without my Katie. Call me when you have lunch. - Matt

Hey honey! I'm at work, so stay safe. I'm coming around midnight and Luke is home. Be nice to him. - Love Mom

Come out - Emily

I quickly took the Lunch money that my mom gave me and walked out of the door. I saw Emily and Marcus sitting in her car waiting for me. They are so cute. You should think that they're a couple. I wish they were, they care so much for each other and they would've have been very cute.

" Hey" I smiled at them and they returned. " What's up" Emily greeted while driving the car.

" Not much" I simply respond. It's been a week since Mike and I haven't talked. I don't care actually, it's fine. It's not like we were ever friends. We Weren't. I just thought of him as a big brother.

" Earth to Kate" Marcus clap his fingers in front of my face and I blinked.

" What," I said and they both chuckle.

" Em asked if you wanted to eat Lunch with us today?" Marcus asked and I nodded.

We finally arrived at Joseph High School. We got out and exit the school. I saw Mike and Lexi talking in front of Mikes locker. I roll my eyes at them while walking by and someone grabbed my wrist and turned me around.

" Cal" I widen my eyes in surprise. I thought he wasn't talking to me either.

" Yeah, What is up with you to love birds?" He asked and I giggle at the 'Lovebirds'

" I don't know. Ask him yourself, he is your best friend" I shrug.

" He isn't telling me anything. I don't know why?" He tells me in a husky voice.

" I don't know. I'm done wasting my time with him" I say and thankfully the bell rung and I speed walked to my class with Mr. Steward. Great.

" Hey class, sit down," he said sitting in his chair looking at some papers. I sat down at the back and to my luck, I sat beside Ben Walker. What a surprise, right?

I kept focussing on Mr. Steward telling us the homework with our partner is due on Friday. We only have 3 days, it's Tuesday.

" So, go on," he said and everybody moved around to their partners. I looked at Ben who was already eying me and I fake smiled.

" So. We meet at the library after school. I don't want to spend time with you out of this school, Got it?" I pointed at him, sounding sarcastically.

He smirked " I like this motherly you, it's sexy" my bit his lower lip and looked at my lips.

" Okay. We will do this experiment" I pointed to the book. He looked for a few seconds before looking away and his eyes locked in mine. There was an intense awkwardness between us, but thank god my phone buzzed.

Remember to call princess
- Matty

I smiled while reading his text. I wrote back
. I could never forget you, babe. - K

Ben cleared his throat and I forgot I weren't alone. I looked at him and quickly stuffed my phone into my pocket before it gets locked away.

" Okay. The library after school?" He asks, making clear I remembered. How could I not? I mean, I want this to be over, so I wouldn't have to deal with his fake ass anymore.

" You got it" I replied and the bell finally rung for lunchtime. I speed walked to my locker and saw Emily and Marcus waiting there for me.

I opened my locker and stuffed my things in. " Hey Kate" Marcus smiled.

" Hey guys" I greeted back and looked at my locker. I took out a picture of Matt and hung it up. I smiled at it and locked my locker. " Who's that?" Emily asked. I smiled " That's my Matty boy" Emily's smile widened and she had sparks in her eyes. Weird.

" Okay. Eat lunch with us?" Emily asked and Marcus nodded.

" Sorry can't," I remembered I had to call Matt for some weird reason.
" I have to talk with friends from home" I replied and they nodded in response and made their way to the cafeteria.

I walked outside and sat on a bench, I took my phone out and called Matt. After three times he took the phone finally. " Hello" his husky, manly voice came through my ears. I've missed him so much. " Hey Mattyboi" I replied and I could hear him chuckle.

" Hey, I've missed you so much," he said, I roll my eyes. " well duh" I giggle and we continued talking about how much we missed each other, what it was like without each other.

" I gotta go, Katey. I promise I'll make it up to you" he said in a hurry and I giggled " Bye" I stood up from the bench and walked into the school. I walked down the empty hall and in the cafeteria. As I walked in everyone was sitting at their own tables, laughing and chatting. I walked to Marcus and Emily and they smiled to see my appearance. " Thought you had something," Marcus said, smiling.

" Nope." I didn't want to tell them about the convo, then I'd have to tell them about Matt and stuff. I'm not up for it. I looked at the popular table and Mike, Calvin, David, Lexi and two others were sitting there.

I walked up to get something to eat. I took a salad, water, and an apple. I paid by the cashier and walked back to my seat. As I was walking someone walked by me really fast and hit my shoulder.

" Watch where you going" I yelled sarcastically. I put a hand on my shoulder and whined. I looked up and to my surprise it was.....


Don't ever let a guy tell you what to do, when to do it or how to do it. You need to tell him.

Don't waste your time waiting for the perfect moment, you need to take a moment and make it perfect.


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