Chap 17 - My Stepbrother

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I woke up to the horrible sound of my alarm. I groan and after a few moments, I finally managed to wake up and get ready. I did my usual routine, brush my teeth, hair, wash my face and pull my clothes on. Today I went for a casual look. I wore my black jeans with a nice white tank top and my sandals. I pulled my MacBook in my black bag pack and went downstairs.

I went to the kitchen and saw Mike eating some Cheerios watching something on his phone. I walked past him to get the orange juice and some apple " Good morning" I said happily and he replied with a " Hey" I roll my eyes at him and left him alone.

Emily texted me she would drive me to school since we didn't have a great start and I agreed. I opened the door and after waiting for her to appear a few moments the door swung open and Mike came out.

" Why are you waiting," he asked.

" I'm waiting for Em" I replied and he just shrugs and left his car.

" Hey girl!" I heard Emily's voice and I walked towards her car and opened the passenger seat.

" What's up?" I ask she shrug " Not much, you?" I smiled " Same old, same old" keeping it short.

We talked about our English homework due to today that I struggled with and tried to finish it.

Once we finally parked the car at school we both hoped off and walked together to our class. I had Literature with Mr. Dean, I'm so excited to meet him.

I walked in class and took out my books and laptop when the bell rung everybody went in to find a seat and Mr. Dean walked into his class to start.

" Hello, I'm Mr. Dean as a lot of you know. I'll be teaching you literature and let the class begin." I smiled at him and to my surprise, he returned just the same. The class went by really fast and once the bell rung we all walked towards the door and to our lockers.

I walked to my locker and saw Emily was waiting for me there. What a sweetheart.

" Hey" I greeted and she smiled.

" I figured we'd walk together. We both have English" she reminded me of. Oh lord, please help me.

" Yeah, sure" I smiled

We both walked together to the English class with Mrs. Dwaine. She's cool and everything but I just don't like to present something for the whole class, it's not like I'm scared, nervous or anything, it's just that it's embarrassing if something completely wrong comes out.

Overthinking, like always.

I am not.

Yes, you are, now please continue talking to your new BFF.

You're annoying.

I walked in and sat in the back seat that was empty, thank god. I thought, maybe If I sit in the back then she won't notice me.

" I hope you're ready for your present everyone. I partnered some of you up, I didn't do it to the rest, cause I wanna see how you're doing alone." She walked in and sat some papers on her desk and sat on the chair, glaring at us. I looked down and played with my hands doing god knows what.

" Miss Hamilton, you're up" she looked at her paper and then finally glanced at me. I fake smiled and make my way up, slowly.

" You can walk faster. I don't have until sunset" she said sarcastically. I roll my eyes and made my way up with the papers in my hand.

" Okay, I've lived and been raised in New York, it's nice." I take a deep breath. " I - I have never" been in love. I wanted to scream it but didn't. " Seen a better place, of course." The whole class seemed bored. Some students are playing on their phone, some talking to each other and the rest, just waiting for me to finish.

" Miss Hamilton, as you may know, we had a Romeo&Juliet lesson, not a trip to New York," she said the last part harshly causing my heart to race a little bit faster. " Go sit down. I will
Fail you and you will not graduate if I don't receive a presentation. Take your time. You have to the end of the summer." She said and I sigh of
Relief. I have almost 10 months. I didn't look at any student refusing the awkwardness.

I sat on my seat and Emily took a few glances before Mrs. Dwaine called out her name. " I would like Miss Marine"

She quickly went up and didn't say a word until she began her story.

" I would like to talk about how love can be hurtful and amazing at the same time." She took out some heavy breaths. You can do stupid stuff when you're in love, you can regret, hurt and disappoint. My first love was a guy that I thought was made for me. He was kind, Sweet and really sexy" she giggled turning red. Awh. " I told him about my feelings of course and he did the exact opposite of what I thought. He stayed and told me he didn't have that strong feeling for me, but that they'll come along. I was happy that he wanted me, so we were together, but then he fell out of love and in love with another girl. She was a new student. Pretty, Skinny and everything guys dream of. He broke up with me to be with her, and I got my heart broken. They were together for a long time, longer than us. Finally, one day." she smiled, looking around. " One day, she had to move away. She was my friends but betrayed me, but I was still a little heartbroken that she had to move away. I thought I had a chance. I had hope again, after a very long time. " she sighed, looking down at her paper.
" But I was wrong, he still doesn't want me, cause he doesn't think we belong together." That must have been horrible. " The amazing thing is that I've experienced love and I know it's amazing. The horrible thing is that you don't always belong to the one you thought." She finished and the whole class was quiet for a moment before someone cheered. And the crowd has gone wild.

I was proud of her. She told an amazing story, unlike me. I don't think I can do as amazing as her. Woah, she was incredible. But also, it must have felt horrible to find out your ex and your friends has fallen in love while you were dating. If Mike or Matt ever does that, I'd kill them with my bare hands. I care for them, I don't want them hurting another girl like that.

"How was I?" She sat back in her seat.

" Amazing" I sing and she let out a laugh.

" that" Mrs. Dwaine pointed at Emily " Was amazing" we all clapped and finally the bell rung.
My phone buzzed from my pocket and it caused me to pulled it out.

Meet me at your locker
- Mike

I shake my head smiling and walking towards my locker. " Mike?" Emily's voice behind me said and I nodded.

" Have fun." She sounded a little down, but that's just because of her speech.

" We will" I replied and her eyes widen, I smirked and walked away. Haha, she really thought I would have fun with my stepbrother. Mike wouldn't force me or do anything to me. He knows that we are siblings soon.

I saw Mike leaning on my locker waiting for my arrival.
" Hey" I greeted and he turned to look at me with a bright smile. Well, this morning was something else.

" Hello, Kate" still smiling. This is creepy. " You're scaring me. Why are you smiling like a baby who got their first lollipop." I asked, raising my eyebrows.

" I Am not" he chuckled.

" Why are you here. Mike?" I asked.

He smirked. " I need to tell you something." He ran his fingers through his hair and looked nervous. What is he going to tell me.? I know everything about Mr. Perfect already. Or at least, I think I do.


Yay only one exam left, then let my summer adventure begiiiiinn! So happy, my dream is to reach 1k before the summer is over and I'll scream like an idiot. Please let your beloved once know about this books and I will tell you five thing that I absolutely hate doing I have to do in my adventure.

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