Chap 30 - My Stepbrother

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" its a special one from back home" I responded. I didn't really like Matt was very special to me. I wanted to see Mike's expression. 

He just stared down at his food not saying a word. He didn't blink. Have I
Made him jealous. But how could he be jealous of me? He's like a fuckboy. He uses girls and throws them away. He couldn't possibly like me or something. I'm being paranoid.

" Oh, I see" David answers. " Since when?" He asked raising his eyebrows. I giggled looking down " Since it's none of your business" I slap and they all cheer. " Ohhh. Being a little sassy I see" David smirked.

" Nope, just how I handle dicks" I reply and pay my attention back to my phone where I click on the color switch. I played until the bell rung and signified our next class. I walked up and placed my tray and walked out.

" Hey girl" Emily pumped into me and smiled as my response.

" Movie night at my place next weekend?" She asked and I remembered. " It's my mom's endangerment party. You could come" I asked and she shook her head.

" Don't want to interrupt royal family." She smiled and I giggled. " Me. Royal. Hell no" I replied and walked away to my next class.

Our class was history and I'll tell you that I like history, but seriously why does it exist. Sometimes it's too much. Why should we spend our time learning about some old people that died and their past? Cmon nobody would care about my death.

" This is Principal Philip talking" we all stayed quiet when we heard the principal speaker on the microphone.

" Katerina Hamilton, please enter my office," he said and I snapped. Me? What does he want with me? Soon the whole class turned around and stared at me like I was their favorite movie or something. What the hell.

What did she do?

She's new here

Bad ass girl. I want those.

I heard a lot of comments before I made my way out of the classroom and walked through the empty halls. Finally, I reached the principal's office and I knocked. " Come in" I heard him say and I did. As I walked in I saw Mike sitting on the chair and I rolled my eyes. What the hell is he doing here?

" Ms. Hamilton. I would like to ask you a question" he begun and I sat down not saying a word. " Would you consider being Mike Thomson's math tutor?" He asked and my eyes widen. Me? His tutor I don't think so. I can't be his tutor, he'll never listen to me.

" No" I crossed my arms under my chest and looked at Mike and back at The principal sitting on his chair.

" Excuse me?" He raised his eyebrows.

" I won't" I replied and he looked shocked. Mike had a smirk on his face and he didn't care. " Well, you have no choice. I want you to tutor Mike or you won't graduate" he said harshly and I gasp in shock. I won't graduate. My mom would literally kill me if I don't graduate. " Why him" I pointed at Mike who was sitting calmly in his chair.

" He's failing and you are the top student in your grades." He replied and I huff. " Fine." I finally say and stood up. " Great, you can find out for yourselves when you wanna start." He smiled and I returned the same, just a fake one. I glared at Mike who still had that annoying smirk on his face.

I speed walked out of the door and through the halls. The bell rung while I was walking and I sigh in relief and opened my locker and got my bag out and walked towards the exit. I managed to walk out since there were so many people walking and standing in my way.

I walked towards my house and opened the door with my keys. " I'm home" I yelled and there was nothing.

" Mom, Luke" I yelled once again.


Where is everyone.? The house was quiet and it seemed weird. Normally it wasn't quite. It was either Luke and Mom watching movies or making some weird noises.

I walked up to my room and closed the door. I changed into some comfy clothes and laid on my bed.

Knock knock knock.

"Come in" I shouted and to my surprise it was the one and only Mike Thomson.

" Ready for my lesson?" He stood there in excitement. I groaned and stood up in front of him.

" I hate Monday's" I mumbled and took my books out.

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