Chap 13 - My Stepbrother

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" I - I..... Why would you care? Your not my mother" He said sarcastically. Woah, I didn't know he could be so rude. I knew I hated him for a reason. This guy is unbelievable.

" Ehm."  I tried to get something out of my mouth but nothing escaped.

" What?" He said sarcastically and with no emotions at all. It scared me so much.

Who is Mike really?

" Nothing, it's not my problem. Can you leave my room." I ask, not wanting to make any kind of contact with him.

I Heard his footsteps going away and it caused me to let out a sigh of relief. That guy is something else. I know he's my soon to be stepbrother, but I just wanted a friendship and nothing else. I must admit that I hate him, but he needs someone. He's probably still hurting about Melissa and seeing the guy who took her away won't make it better.

I couldn't sleep I thought to myself and it's a really quiet neighborhood. I turned my lights on and switched my clothes to some leggings and a sweater. I opened the door to my bedroom and walked down the stairs as quiet as possible, not wanting to wake anyone. The house was really dark and quiet.

The darkness of night had drawn down its shady covers in the last of fading light. The sound of leaves blowing in the streets added a peaceful soundtrack to the scene and I felt like only nature is talking to me. It was about midnight and suddenly a cold breeze passed through bringing me out of the trance.

It was only when I realized that I was walking a long way and probably had crossed my house too. When the realization dawned on me I became scared because I still was not familiar with the roads as I barely went out with Luke and my mom.

I looked around and noticed a never-ending, twisting, winding, curving oath of dark stones ground covered by a silver sheen of dust-like material that was displaced with every step I took, cursing small bursts of lite blue sparks. Along the roadside, there would be a cliff, some so smith they were impossible to climb, or there's just as twisted and curves as the path before me.

I looked around again but there was not a single soul to be witnessed so I started panicking. After staying there for some time I composed myself thinking its better to be alone in this cruel world at this hour and started moving back with the hope that I might get any hint of the surrounding.

After walking for half an hour when I didn't get any hint, the little ray of hope too started fading and also the night was turning colder. Thinking of it I left it all upon God to bring forth what he had destined for me and suddenly I felt a strong yellow beam of light moving towards me fastly. I tried opening my eyes and contemplated that it was a car, now I was scared in the real sense, I realized even that darkness wasn't killing me as much as facing some stranger at such an odd place. I closed my eyes recalled what my father use to tell her "it is crueler to always fear death than it is to die, the person who is constantly in fear is every day condemned." I noticed the screeching sound of the car and opened my eyes to witness 'a figure cloaked in darkness.

" Kate" I heard him say. It was a really familiar voice and it caused me to frown and blink a few times.

" Mike." I said and he started to move closer to me.

" Yes, what Are you doing in the dark alone?" He asked I could see the worried eyes and the scared impression.

" Nothing" was all I could say to him.

" Fine, let's go home. It's Sunday. We have school tomorrow" he reminded me of school. Oh no, my first day. I will most likely not survive. I hate being the new kid. It's lonely and there are bullies everywhere.

" Oh." I let out and shrug my way to his car and sat in the passenger seat.I slowly drifted away leaning on the window. Soon enough I could feel his biceps on my back and lift me up from the car and to a soft bed and pull the covers on me.

Before I fell asleep I heard a soft "Goodnight Katy" That's when I had a long and comfortable sleep.

We started off by slowly nuzzling our noses together. When the kiss finally came, I tilted my head so our noses were on each other's cheeks. The kiss was slow, wet, sloppy... and really romantic. He gently sucked on my lips for several seconds. We held on to each other tightly, rubbed our cheeks together, and I felt his warm breath on my ear. We slowly nuzzled our noses together again, and then he reached up and caressed my face with the back of his fingers.

We kissed a second time... this time even longer than the first, and I sucked on his soft lips and licked them. I trilled happily like a little bird. It felt so good to pull his top lip into my mouth, and I ever-so-gently gnawed on it with my front teeth. Then I licked the inside of his top lip and rubbed it with my tongue

He pulled away and said" I have always loved you Katerina" causing me to push him.

" Don't lie. Everybody lies"  I yelled and there were tears slipping out of my eyes.

" I just want you" he said and that's when I realized that he's playing me.

" No" he held my wrist really hard that when

I jumped up and let out a really heavy breath. I touched my face and realised that I've been crying in my sleep. Why would he play me like that?

It's not real. I don't believe that he did that. I stopped myself from thinking about that when I realised I wasn't in my own room.

I was in mikes room and he was not sleeping next to me. Where is he?

The the door opened and he was holding a plate of toast and some orange juice.

" Wakey Wakey" he smiled, but it slowly fell when he looked at me and realised I've been crying.

" Is it that nightmare?" He asked, wait. How does he know.

" Nightmare?" I questioned.

He nodded. " Who is Matt" he frowned.

" You kept yelling his name"


So what do you think? Leave a comment. I love cliffhangers, so you're going to get one.

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