Boring school life

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My head is pounding from the school lecture that I am having with my entire year. But no-one seemed to be listening. 

 In the back a few boys were sleeping but the teacher carried on talking anyway, mainly because they are used to the students sleeping. I don't know why they bother with these assemblies, they are always forgotten straight after.

 I am sitting next to my sister, Silver, and she is also snoring, I've told her before that she snores, but she doesn't believe me. She is also drooling, so I get my tissue and I wipe it, hoping that no-one has seen it. 

I slowly drift into my own world, and I start to think of ways to find another theory for Silver and I, and I make a list of want we are going to do after the assembly.

 My phone suddenly pings to life in my pocket, making me jump and snap out of my small world. I got it out and I see an email. I find that this  email is from a complete stranger but I read it anyway, just because I am bored and I have nothing better to do with my time.

It said how police are at my house because my mum has gone missing and there is a lot of blood, the fact that the police are at my house convinced me that this is fake because no-one ever goes to my house. I just ignored it thinking it is a prank from the idiotic boys I know at the school. But then I carried on reading and it also said that Silver and I are in danger and that we needed to leave school this minute, this also convinced me that it was a prank because I don't have any enemies and neither did Silver, we were just ordinary, well maybe slightly weird, people so why would anyone want to hurt us.

 I just put my phone back in my pocket and tried not to fall asleep. A boy in front of us turns around and calls me Silver, no-one can tell us apart, we are identical twins, so I corrected him and he said that we need to call out because the computer in the corner is going crazy.

'Why can't yer do it?' I asked annoyed because I am not prepared to get told off for yelling out for something he wants me to do. He starts  laughing because Silver and I have an accent that makes us sound different from other people.

'Because this is a presentation about paranormals, therefore, you are experts, so if they ask you to go to the front and teach for interrupting then you can but I don't know a thing about it.' He replied with a typical excuse. Well, then maybe you should pay attention, I think to myself.

Silver and I are obsessed with the creatures of the abnormal world because we heard that our dad cheated on our mum with one and we are convinced that he did it against his will and was spelled or something like that, everyone in the town thinks we are crazy to get involved with that stuff but we don't care.

Suddenly, Silver starts to wake up next to me just as the teacher got to the newspaper reports about paranormal creatures killing humans; this is the worst part for us because we were always scared that our dad would turn up in on that we didn't find on the internet. But luckily for us, he never did.

'Ivy, I really want to leave, we've seen this presentation over a hundred times , can we just leave already and go do some more research in the library?' she whispered in a sleepy voice. 

This is not the first time that the school had shown this presentation to this year, I think that they are trying to convince me and Silver to stop the research that we do, I don't know if it is for our safety or for other people.

 We are so into the paranormal world that we were failing our a-levels but we didn't care because no-one is going to hire weird people like us to work with, so we aren't getting a job anyway, not that we want one, we would rather go looking for paranormals, and our dad. We are both eighteen and we were the only ones with no car or a big house, but we've done nothing wrong yet people hate us around the town.

'Ok, but I think we should say something about the computer,' I replied with a touch of fear to my voice, now realising just how bad the computer is in the corner. All of a sudden the computer burst into flames and all the students awake starts screaming.

Author's notes:

I am editing this book, because I don't feel that it is fully good enough. Please tell me if you like it.



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