The pain

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Have I gone crazy? Why do I keep hearing Mircea? I keep thinking of questions, but they vanish when more pain enters my body, this time in my head. I look up and I see the woman with a baseball bat in her hand and the end of it is covered in blood, while a man has a belt in his hand and that has blood on it too. 

Please, stop, I think in my head, I would say it out loud but that is hard when you have a gag in your mouth.

The man comes forward and wacks me with the belt, across my bare stomach, and legs. Then the woman comes forward, and wacks me with the bat, on my head, and hands, that are numb from the rope that binds then to the backless chairs arms.

I try to scream in pain but it is muffled. I think to Mircea, Help me, where are you? But no-one replies. 

Rafe's P.O.V

I watch as Mircea, tenses with pain, and a lot of it. This has been going on for days, and there is still no where about's of where she is. My daughter is going through this pain, and I can't do anything to help, so I mop Mircea's head with a wet towel, hoping she can feel it.

I cry for her at night, until I can't anymore.

Mircea falls back down, and starts to breathe again.

He sits up. He does this when he feels something new.

'I can feel how she is bound,' He says, and sits on the chair near Ivy's desk.

He places his arms across the arms, and he places his ankles at the feet of the chair.

'There is no back, and there is rope on her wrists and ankles,' he says, I nod and I go to report this to the paranormal council, even though I know this isn't useful information.

'Wait, there's more, it's pitch black, and cold, it smell like there's dirt and water around us, so I'm guessing we are underground, near a river,' Mircea says. Now this is what we need. I run to report this, and Eric says, that this is what we need.

'I can find her with this,' he says, and gets his map out of the cupboard. We look for all the rivers, there are two, and he says only one has an underground base. It's the river of blood, this is where so many people were murdered, by a woman, who is known as Victoria. She hates everyone, but why would she take Ivy.

Ivy's P.O.V

I hear his voice, I hear Mircea.

The woman's name is Victoria, and that they know where I am.

I start to cry with relief, but I stop when I hear the door open and Victoria walks in. I decide not to tell her anything that Mircea has told me, or she may get suspicious. I have found out that it is a spell binding Mircea and I together.

'Tomorrow, I have big plans for you, and you aren't going to like it,' she says, and leaves again. 

And I tell Mircea this, but that is all the information I can give because the pain takes over and intensifies, and the witch walks in. 

I pass out.

Author's notes:

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we are almost at the end, so comment if you want a second one.

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