first death

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I woke with a start, and was shaking uncontrollable.
'hey what's wrong?' Midnight said from behind me. I looked around and realised Nathan had pulled over so he could get some sleep.
'nightmares,' I said to Midnight, just a gran started to wake up.
'what's this I hear about nightmares?' she asks, sleep still sounding in her voice.
'Ivy's having them, how bad was it?' she asks, her curiosity taking over. I didn't like how many questions they were asking me, especially because I still felt disorientated from the nightmare.
'it was bad, now stop questioning me.' I said, the end part sounded more like an order, so I apologised.
Nathan woke up with a start next to me.
'are you okay?' gran asked.
'Nightmares,' he replied and no-one questioned him further.
So we carried on going with the drive and so far it has lasted two days and we have switched cars twice, but we kept to the jaguars.
'how much further?' Midnight complained, but she spoke for all of us because we were all tired and hungry and sick of being in a car.
'about an hour if we kept on driving at this speed,' Nathan replied.
We'd all lost weight a lot and we all kept whining.
Gran is being the responsible adult and keeping us going.
And just as we thought that we were being left alone, a car came zooming up behind us and smashed into the back of us. Midnight screamed and the car launched forward again. Then we heard something land on the roof, and a hand started to smash the windows, with hands that had claws.
The hand reached into my side and somehow managed to pull me out of the car. I felt a big bit of the glass piece my thigh but I couldn't move it.
I am ontop of the car and I can hear Midnight screaming my name. The man on the car went to reach for me but just as he did, a black shadowy creature, zoomed past us, so quick that it took me a second to realise that the man that had been in front of me is now gone.
People in the car behind us slam into us again and the car launches forward, sending me flying onto the bonnet of the car. It was Midnight that is screaming anymore, it is me and Nathan and gran. I looked into the car and Midnight looked like she was about to go into cardiac arrest. The car launched forward again and the car started spinning off the road and into the forest at the edge of the road. We crashed into a tree and a fell off the bonnet and onto the floor. I heard all the doors of the car open and then there were six people around me. What a minute there's only meant to be three, I thought to myself. But then I realised that there were two grans , two Midnight's and two Nathans.
Then the other car stopped and people got out, I screamed and the now three people turned and they got me up from the floor and started to drag me deeper into the forest. But the men managed to gain on us. They managed to grab all of us abd started to drag us, kicking and screaming back to their car.
'We don't want the old one?' the woman that is in the car said, so the man who isn't holding anyone turned to gran, grabbed her head and twisted, there was a sick cracking noise and grans neck snapped. Midnight went silent and cried, Nathan wriggled harder to get free and I screamed at the top of my lungd, the men all grabbed their ears and let go of us. So we ran.
We ran and ran until we got to a clearing in the forest.
'we're here,' Nathan whispered.
But what we saw was horrible.

Authors notes:
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