getting ready to go

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We all start to pack our stuff, including the council, for the journey that is ahead of us. 

Dad, Carol and I are in the bedroom on our own, and we have be in complete silence since we entered here. 

'how is she planning on talking to your Gran if she's dead?' Rafe asks. He has had a confused and concentrated look on his face since I had said that and now I know why. 

'We read somewhere that ghost stay where the body dies, and if that's right then Grans ghost should be where Midnight is heading, whether she sees her or not is another question,' I reply, while putting the last of my stuff into my bag.

'where did you read that, and how did you come across it?' He asks, and this time he looks sad, and slightly scared of what my reply will be. 

'We tried to find a way to summon a ghost to see if you were dead or not, and also what we could do to talk if we ever found out that you were dead,' I reply. He nods and then we are put back into silence again. The silence is deafening, so I start to hum to myself, and walk around the room, to help Carol and dad get their stuff  ready as well. I see that Carol has a smile on her face and Dad is looking confused again.

'are you okay?' I ask him. He looks shocked that I spoke.

'yeah, where did you hear that song?' he asks. This confuses me, does he know it?

'Mum used to sing to me, I thought only Midnight and I had heard it,' I say. He nods and then the silence comes back.

There is a knock at the door, and Nathan sticks his head in.

'Ivy, can I have a word with you a minute?' He says, he sounds sad as well. Why does everyone sound sad? I feel torn about what to do, cause I'm still mad about him having a girlfriend, while we made out in the motel, that one time, but I want to talk to him, to get an explanation. I nod.

He leads me out of my room and into another. 

'I want to explain, I didn't mean to upset you, I was going to break up with her before I left but I didn't find her in time, so I just left, and in my mind, me and her weren't together,' he says, looking down at the ground, ashamed of what he is saying.

'but you hadn't broken up, and it hurts me that you would do that to anyone, whether you think you have broken up, you never told her,' I say, trying too keep my anger down and not shout I spat the word 'Think' and I think this shocks Nathan. He nods and looks even more ashamed.

'how about we just start over?' I suggest, and he looks up and nods, with a smile slipping on to his face. He looks like a little boy who has just got a very big present and I giggle.

'I would like that, but how?' He says. I hold out my hand and he looks confused.

'hi, I'm Ivy,' I say, he laughs and takes my hand, and shakes it.

'Nathan,' he replies and we burst out laughing. And we laugh until there is a knock at the door.

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