trying to understand

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I really wish my mum is here, but she's not so I have to sort this out myself, even though I would have to do that if she was here. Midnight had run out of the room, so I am left on my own, once again.

I felt numb from what my Dad had just told me, but I am really trying to understand, and the more I try, the easier it is to understand. I want to get along with my dad but I still don't like Carol, that's with him. I have a bad feeling about her and I feel uneasy about Paige who ordered people to hit me on the head.

'Ivy please say something, I think Midnight hates me, but you haven't run from the room like she has. I am still thinking for something to say to explain how I feel but there is no way to put it into words but if I don't say something then Rafe is going to have a mental breakdown.

'I don't know what to say to explain how I'm feeling right now but I am trying to understand, and you have to understand that I won't run from you, I want to be with you and I am going to try to understand, I promise, I can see that you care about us and that you really are sorry for leaving, but my brain just doesn't want to accept the fact that you left,' I tried to explain it as best I could but my brain felt like mush so I don't think I did a very good job. Either way, Rafe smiled and he looked like he understood where I am coming from.

'thank you so much, if you need me to explain and apologise even more, if you think that will help then I will and if you need me to stay out of your way for a bit then I will try to do that as well, but that one may be a bit harder,' he looked close to tears as he whispered that. I didn't want him to leave me, ever again, he may be the only family that I have left. He went to stand up to go out of the room but I throw myself into his arms and lap so he can't leave me.

He gives a sad chuckle at how I reacted. He is shaking is head but in a nice way. Carol is laughing as well. But I growl at her, I don't like her laughing at me, she leaves the room.

'Ivy, what are you doing?' dad says to me, still holding me in his arms, laughing at me.

'I don't want you to leave me, please don't,' when I say this I start to cry very hard. Dad pulls me to his chest and gives me a very big hug.

'okay, it's okay, I was only going to get us both some water, but if you really don't want to be left alone then you can come as well, but I don't want you walking with the head injury that you now have,' he said, still laughing but sadly again. I keep upsetting him, I need to stop doing that. So I show him my head, which is now fully healed, he has a shocked look on his face but he smiles, a happy one, and mutters about me being his daughter. I don't understand what that means but it makes me feel happy. We walk into the living room but as soon as we open the door, two knives fly our way. One hits Dad in the arm and the other would have gone in my throat if a man hadn't knocked me out of the way.


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