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Rafe's P.O.V

I will save my daughter, even if it is only one of them. But for now we have to rest because Mircea is struggling to get going. He has been through a lot of pain, and just knowing that this has come from my daughter is driving me insane. I need to save her. I know where she is but I can't get to her.

We have found a problem with our plan, the base that these monsters are based is underground, and that means climbing down a ladder or a rope but if Ivy gets hurt while we go down then Mircea may fall, but we can't leave him because we need him to locate Ivy.

Mircea starts to tense up, but he doesn't show pain. He looks at me and then he looks at the wall as if debating something.
'Is it Ivy?' I ask, he looks at me as if he forgot that I a here, but then he recovers and says,

'It's me.' I look at him confused, and then he registers what he said.

'It's me,' he repeats, and this just strengthens my confusion. I look at him with a weird look and he notices and tilts his head to one side, like Ivy does when she's confused. He looks around, like he has never seen this room before, even though we have been here for a couple of hours.

'Mircea. are you okay?' I ask, even though I can't talk, anyone here will say that I'm not okay, but I know that once I find my daughter then I will be fine. Mircea looks at me as if I've just called him an alien.

'I'm not Mircea, I'm Ivy, where am I and how did I get here?' the words exit his mouth but I don't react to them.

'That's not funny,' I say, but he just looks confused and serious.

'I'm not joking, why don't you believe me?' He says, but then he looks down and sees that he is still Mircea and does a double take.

'How did I get into Mircea's body?' he asks, and then it sinks in, she's managed to escape her body and get dragged to Mircea's. 

'Oh my goodness, how is this possible? How did you do it?' I ask but she/he just shrugs. 

'I was thinking how I could see you and tell you something because Mircea wasn't repling and then the next I know is that I'm here,' She says, but it looks weird for her to be talking out of Mircea's body.

'What's the information?' I ask, but what I really want to ask is how is she holding up? or where is she in this base? But I hold that in.

'I finally, being the slow person that I am, now realise where I've seen this woman, or seen someone like her,' She says, and I nod for her to continue.

'She looks the exact same as mum, but it's not mum,' she says, and I feel like I've been slapped in the face. 

'Of course, how did I not but this together, the name, the task, it's your aunt, she hates your mother for leaving her,' I say but Ivy isn't paying attention, the eyes suddenly go blank and then Mircea's body flops back.

'Ivy?' I ask, but the body just stays lying down. I need to get hold of Nicky, the only problem is that Ivy said that she was taken as well but by Ivy's uncle. So that is who I call.

'Hello,' the voice answers at the other side of the phone, and I know it's the right person.

'I need to talk to Nicky, about her twin sister,' I say, and I hear a gasp from the other side.

'Victoria? She's alive?' He asks, and I want to smack him.

'Yes, she's alive and she has taken my daughter, Nicky would know where Victoria is hiding, So put her on the phone,' I say, with a serious voice, telling him that I'm not playing games.

'Fine, but only because I want to talk to your daughter myself,' I hear  a ruffling sound on the other side of the line and a door opens, and I can hear mumbling.

'Hello,' a small voice which is female talks through the phone.

'Nicky? I need to know something,' I ask and I hear her gasp. There is a pause.

'Rafe? I can't believe that's you, has Ivy gotten to you, I miss her so much, tell her that I will see her soon, and that I'm sorry for everything, including that horrible vision she had of me,' Nicky says through the phone, and I can hear that she is crying.

'That's what I called about, Victoria has Ivy and she is hurting Ivy, very badly,' I say, I hear Nicky give a strangled scream, and she tells her brother this. 

'Victoria's alive? I thought she was dead. I know where she'll have Ivy and she has a secret tunnel to get in, I will text the details,' Nicky says and then she hangs up, a few minutes later a text comes through with all the details.

I hear a noise and I look up to see Mircea getting up.

'I'm ready to go,' he says.

Author's notes:

we are nearly there. 

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