annoying women

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'Daddy,' we both whispered at the same time but loud enough for him to hear.
He gives us a sad smile and comes towards us. What do we do? I don't know what to do qnd I don't think Midnight does either. He stops right in front of us.
'I know you two probably hate me and don't want to be near me but can I please have a hug from you both, it's been too long,' he said sadly to us and he sounded like he is about to cry. He didn't have time to say anything else because both Midnight and I flung ourselves into his arms and burst into tears. He laughed at us but in a nice way and I could hear someone else chuckling at our reaction as well. I turned to see that it is a woman standing by the door.
'are you the woman that stole our dad from us?' Midnight and I say together, we do that a lot. The woman looked shocked but she kept smiling.
'you think that your dad was taking?' she asks us, she looks at us like we are stupid.
'he was taken by a paranormal, we thought you were dead,' we turn to him in unison as we talk in unison. He is chuckling. But when we say that he stops and tears form in his eyes.
'they don't know?' the woman at the door says.
'it doesn't look like it does it?' dad replied but he phrased it as a question and he looked confused. He then looked down at my hands and his eyes widened. I looked down amd saw that they hands are covered in blood, I realise that I am getting angry and my claws have come out, they are digging in to my flesh, deep. I make them go in and my hands are shaking as I cry in pain. Our dad rushes to the kichen area and brings back a first aid kit. He pulls bandages out and a wipe. He cleans my hands and wraps them in the bandages.
'they don't have control!' another woman who walked in the room states.
'I do, it's just when I get angry, I'm still new at this,' I snap back at her. And her face shows that it isn't often that someone snaps at her.
'how dare you talk to me like that but she stops when she sees that I am shaking. My claws are back and my teeth have wolf teeth, no doubt my eyes have changed colour too. I feel my bones snapping and shifting into a different shape but before anything happens the powerful woman shouts,
'KNOCK HER OUT!' And then something comes smacking on the back of my head.
'NO!' Midnight and my dad yells at the same time. I fall to the floor but I fell something catches my head and then everything goes dark.

Authors notes:
Sorry it's short but it fits.
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