the wound

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I see my sister, she is shaking with anger, and she charges at me, she has a knife in her hand but she doesn't see other people because she is blinded by anger. She is hit with other peoples weapons but that doesn't slow her down, or stop her, she is healing so fast that she just keeps going. She jumps on top of me and starts stabbing me. She brings the blade up and down and sometimes she drags it without lifting it up. Blood fills my mouth and I can't breathe, I gag on the blood in my mouth and I start to spin.

I wake up with a start, and I can still taste blood in my mouth, and I am gagging on something in my mouth, and I start to panic. I hear a chuckle next to me, and I turn my head to see who it is.

'your fangs came out and where digging into your lips and mouth, causing them to bleed, so we put something in their way so they can't piece the flesh,' dad explains. He takes the piece of cloth out of my mouth, and I laugh as well.

'thank you,' I whisper, but my voice is choked by tears. He nods, politely but pulls me into a hug as well, when the tears start to fall. My sister is going to kill me, the prophecy is true, my sister will kill me, unless I can get to her and talk to her, and calm her down. But first I have to find her and that is going to be easier said than done.

'so what do we do?' I ask dad but he just shrugs and says that we have to wait for the council to tell us what we can do. There is a knock at the door and Mircea, Nathan, Sophie and Carol walks in. 

'how are you feeling?' Carol asks, and that is when I feel the pain in my ankle. I hold back the scream but I just shake my head, because if I open my mouth then the scream will come.

She comes forward and takes the cover off of my leg to take a look and that's when I feel sick, no-one has wrapped it up, so the bone is still sticking out. I lean over the side of the bed and puck, covering dad's shoes even though he steps back. I laugh, and sit back up. I can feel a blush creeping up on my face, and this just makes me giggle more.

'I'm sorry, daddy,' I say, while giggling, and he just laughs along with me. I can't stop laughing, which is unusual for me. 

'I think she gone into shock,' Carol says, sounding alarmed. And everyone nods in agreement.

'I think she needs a cast on her leg,' Mircea says, sounding annoyed. So Sophie calls someone in to put a cast on my leg. That stops my laughing and makes me scream. I get no pain killers and yet the grab my leg and starts to wrap it up.

I throw up again, and scream more. But the pain stops after a while, and the doctor walks out. Now I regret, jumping out the window, but I knew something like this would happen. 

A man walks in a says the council wants to see us.

'here we go,' dad says.

authors notes: 

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and if you have cast suggestions please tell me.

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