future vision.

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I'm walking down a dark hallway but I feel really dizzy. There is a man behind me but I don't know who he is.
I try to turn to see who is holding me but I can't.
He leads me to the end of the hallway and through a door. Where am I? I wanted to scream but my mouth wouldn't cooperate. I wanted to know where Nathan and sophie and Midnight are but I can't speak.
He opens the door and the room smells of blood and my stomach suddenly feels hungry. It's like I'm craving blood.
I look down at my hands and gasp in horror because I see blood streaked all up my arms but it covered my hands completely. I tried to scream, forgetting that I couldn't.
I wanted my sister. And I wanted to go home.
In the room is a small hospital bed which has gone moldy and there are chains all over the room but in the corner is a figure of someone but I can't make out who it is.
The man led me over to the bed and made me lay down. I looked down at the rest of my body, which has no clothes on and I almost puke when I see my body streaked with blood as well. Who's blood is this? I don't recognise the scent. I feel a lot of pain coming from my back but I don't remember anything happening to my back to make it hurt like this.
Another man walks into the room with a tray behind him but I can't see whats on it. The other man from before starts attaching chains to my wrists and ankles amd pulls the tight so I can't move. What are you doing? I really wantef to scream at this point but I am still inable to.
The man with the tray comes up to me and puts the tray near my head. He picks up a knife and puts it near my chest.
Just as the man is about to cut into my chest a little girl walks in.
Why do I recognise her? Then I do a double take when I realise that the girl looks exactly how I did when I was her age. That little girl is a little version of me. But how? Then as I am distracted the man put the knife into my chest and slices down.
I still can't scream but I do black out.
I fall into the darkness wondering where I am but now I am able to scream. So I do.

'it's okay,' I hear someone whisper to me but who.

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Sorry its short but its a vision.

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