still going

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We've been driving for over seven hours now and everyone is bored. Gran woke up after an hour but she didn't say anything to us about what happened, she just asked where we were and where we were going. She then feel asleep after being awake for 4 hours because there was nothing else to do. Midnight has also fallen asleep but Nathan and I were still awake but we didn't talk because we didn't want to risk waking anyone up. But the silence was almost deafening.

'Do you know if there is anywhere we can get food because I'm starving and I can hear you stomach going from here?' I turn to Nathan and whisper. He grinned at my words and about the fact that I spoke.

'I know that we are coming up to a McDonalds soon but I don't have any money,' he whispered back, sounding shy about the fact that he has no money. I got my purse out of my bag and pulled out a lot of paper money and you could hear the coins going around and I had my debit cards which had a lot of money in as well. Midnight and I got to split our dads money between us when the police were convinced that he was dead, even though he isn't and I got a notice on my phone saying half of the money that mum had had been transferred to my bank, and that was a lot because my mum and dad were both loaded.

This showed Nathan that we would be fine to pay for a couple of fast food meals and petrol when we needed it. But Nathan had already explained that we would need to switch cars a few times just in case people were tracking us, we also had to get rid of our phones and debit cards as soon as possible. Our phones had been thrown away already but we still had to empty debit cards. Nathan said that there is a shop near the McDonalds so it should have a cash machine in.

It was another half an hour before we got to the shop. Midnight and Gran had woken up and we had brought four cheeseburgers and chips and milkshakes from McDonalds. now we were walking into the shop to get the money out. I am the first to do it because I volunteered and Midnight didn't think it would work. It took a lot of times to empty it completely and that was the same with Midnight. Gran didn't take so long because she didn't have as much money as we did.

We got back in the car but left our debit cards in the bin so people couldn't find us. Midnight and me now had bags full of money which meant that we had to buy extra bags. and we headed back to the motorway to continue our long journey.

All of a sudden a van pulled into the road behind us and we could see men similar to the once that were chasing us before. We could see guns with these men though. One of the men put his head out the window and the top half of his torso and started to shoot at us but Nathan somehow managed to dodge the bullets. Gran turned around and started to rub her hands together, all of a sudden the vans tires exploded and the van screeched and flipped over the road but it flipped towards us. Nathan swerved into the next lane and the van missed us as it crashed into the road. We started to go a lot faster and I could see that my Gran is struggling to stay awake. How did the tires just explode and did gran have something to do with it? What's happening to us? Did the tires burst on there own? Midnight had started screaming and I turned around to see that one of the men had managed to get on top of the car somehow and he had hold of Midnight's hair. I took hold of her hand and pulled her towards me. This managed to pull her out of the mans grip and he fell off the back of the car.

We all sighed in relief but realised that this was going to be stressful. Gran said as long as we stay focused on getting to Nathans mum then we will be fine. I just hope that she was right and that she will explain everything to us in the near future otherwise we could have a serious falling out and that shouldn't happen, especially now.

Authors notes:

please say what you think. I want to set a goal of at least five comments and votes to start with cause I don't know how good I am. if you want me to set goals each time then please tell me. I really hope that you like my work. exciting stuff. ;) if u dont want me to leave challenges then please say so then i know cause im not a mind reader.

tell me what you think.

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