the hospital

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I wake up in a hospital bed and I can feel a lot of padding on my back. Silver is on a chair, asleep next to me, holding my hand, but my mum is no-where to be seen. My mind flickers back to the text message that i got at school. But then my thoughts were interrupted by the teacher that rode with us coming in with some hot chocolates in her hand. Silver is still asleep, so the teacher, Miss Blossom, puts the hot chocolate down on the table near the bed and comes to sit in the chair on the other side of the bed to Silver.

'How are you feeling, Ivy?' she asks me and her voice is full of concern and this nearly makes me cry because no-one has ever sounded so concerned about how I'm feeling, not even my mother, she's mainly in a distant land. I can feel tears falling down my cheeks but I think that's just from the pain in my back.

'I'm a little tired and sore but other than that I feel fine, thank you. Where's my mother?' I reply with as much confidence as I can put in, but my voice cracks on the last question which gives my fake confidence away. Miss Blossom is nodding, like she believes my answer but her expression changes when I mention my mother, and this is when I get a feeling that something has happened to my mother, just like the text, I got earlier, had said. And I start to cry harder and this makes me sleepy. No-one likes talking about my mother or too her for that matter of fact, she's not the most stable woman on the planet but she keeps Silver and I feed so no-one bothers her. At that moment Silver starts to stir and wakes up and our grandma who we haven't seen for over a year walks in the door. When Silver sees that I'm awake she sits straight up and asking if I'm ok as well, just by looking at her face I can tell that she's been crying and that she is scared for me. While I'm reassuring her that I'm fine but in pain Miss Blossom goes up to my grandma and greats her. She starts to explain what happened to me, but my grandma interrupts, saying that police and doctors have explained to her what has happened and she doesn't really want to hear it a third time.

'of course, of course, that is fully understandable,' Miss Blossom replies, with slight annoyance of being interrupted.

Everyone in Wolfsville, in England, loves our grandma because she can help people heal when they are wounded and help people get better when they're sick, no one knows how she does it but she does. I could feel unconsciousness slipping back to be and I desperately wanted to give in, but my gran looked at me and she told Silver to keep me awake and keep my brain active. Silver did as she was told and she has so far managed to keep me awake for half an hour now but I am still fading. I am desperate to give into the darkness but Silver starts to ask me paranormal questions,

'What's the latest newspaper article that you've read on paranormals?' she generally sounds interested but I can see that this is her effort to keep me awake and she knew this will keep my brain active. I look up and Miss Blossom isn't in the room anymore.

I feel this weird buzzing sensation in my back and it is driving me insane but it also feels good. I just want to itch it, so badly, but I'm afraid of how much it will hurt if I do. Silver has managed to keep me awake so far but I don't know how much longer I can last. I can feel that I'm fading into unconsciousness. Our grandma has also helped to keep me awake but now they are silent. Gran has whipped up something in a wooden bowl she had in her bag and now she is making me drink the foul fluid. We keep asking where our mother is but she won't answer us. I told her about the buzzing in my back and all she said is,

'That's good, it means your healing fast.' She sounds excited but I've healed cuts before and it has never buzzed before, Silver and I can somehow heal faster than other people but we don't know how. I think it has something to do with that disgusting drink she gave me.

It has been another hour and I'm the only one awake, typical, and I desperately need to pee but I can't seem to wake Silver or gran up. I take the cover off, to try and get up and go on my own, but I realise that I haven't got a top on, this is so my back can be monitored by the doctors without clothes getting in the way, so I look around and see a black hoodie at the end of the bed. I, suddenly, realise that this is the hoodie that the boy gave me, to help me stay warm, when he saved me.

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