painful vision

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Everyone is staring and smiling, Carol looks like she is in shock, so I move behind her and I give her a nudge to move her back into reality. She blinks and registers what's happening. Her throws herself at Rafe and she is saying yes, over and over again.

'She says yes,' I hear someone yell but before I can cheer, Carol turns and pulls me into the hug that they are having and then a bunch of people jump in and start to hug as well. Soon, we end up in a big pile on the floor.

We all get up and most people go back to what they were doing. 

'thank you, for waking me up Ivy, I was completely frozen,' carol says, I giggle.

'That's okay, I couldn't stand there and watch you not replying,' I say and she laughs and nods. Dad slips the ring onto her finger and kisses her, I feel awkward after a while so I walk over to Mircea.

'thank you for getting me,' I say to him and start to help him pack.

'your welcome, what was it about anyway, if you don't mind me asking,' He says. 

'he wanted to adopt me, so I can stay here, and he gave me this,' I reply and hold up the locket. He looks amazed at the locket, probably because of the ruby in it.

'wow, I bet your happy then,' he chuckles and I nod while laughing. We finish packing his stuff, and we sit and talk. 

But just as we are about to talk about me, my vision goes black and I feel a falling feeling. I'm having a vision.

I'm in a cave and I can hear crying at the end, I walk towards the noise and I see that it's Midnight, at the end of the tunnel. She hears a noise behind her and I turn as well, I see everyone from the hotel, Dad and Carol look scared. I turn back to Midnight and she looks furious, I try to speak but no words come out. She runs screaming with rage towards me, and I try to move but I'm frozen. She has daggers in her hands and She jumps on top of me, she stabs me, over and over again, and I feel blood pooling in my mouth. I gag and panic. She is crying and still stabbing me. 

I feel someone shaking my shoulders but I don't wake up like I usually do from my vision, I still can't breathe and I feel my body begin to shake, I still taste the blood in my mouth, I feel claws digging into my hands and then I am scratching at my chest to get it to work, but I just feel more pain. I go limb and numb and then pass out.

There is a bright light around me, and I see a female in a purple gown. she is the most stunning person I have ever seen.

'Hello, Ivy,' She says, who is she? I think to myself, too stunned to talk.

'where am I?' I ask her. And I ask what happened.

'the vision that you had wasn't an ordinary vision, your sister created it. This vision managed to hurt you and it almost killed you, and it doesn't help that you clawed at your chest, literally,' she says. 

'am I dead?' I say, and tears glisten in my eyes and my vision goes blurry. She shakes her head.

'no, I won't allow it but your are seriously hurt, your heart did stop, but the doctors managed to get it going again,' She explains.

'who are you?' I ask, now confused, on how she won't allow me to die.

'I'm the wolf goddess, and now I will allow you to go home,' she says. She flicks her hands and I feel myself being sucked back to my body.

I become conscious but I don't open my eyes. I feel tubes and wires all around and in my body, and I feel a tube in my mouth. I feel all the pain wash over me and I tense up.

'Is she awake?' I hear someone distant ask. It sounds familiar and then I recognise it. I open my eyes and see Carol, asleep on the other bed in the room. And I see my dad sitting in the chair which has been placed in between the two beds. He is leaning forward and when he sees my eyes are open he gets up and rushes to my side. I can see that he has been crying. He calls for the doctor.

'Daddy,' I say, chocked from tears.

authors notes:

please let's get this book to 300 views, we are 7 off, lets get there.

please comment and vote. 

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