finding out the truth

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'NO!' Midnight and my dad yells at the same time. I fall to the floor but I fell something catches my head and then everything goes dark.

I feel cold but I can feel something light on top of me. Where am I? I can hear people talking but I can't make out what they are saying. I can hear a male and two females. One of the girls is crying, and I instantly knew that this is my sister. She doesn't like it when I get hurt and she cries every time, even if it's just a paper cut.

I can't remember what happened. My vision starts to clear up and I can see my dad, Rafe, sitting on the end of the bed with tears streaming down his face. Midnight is near the window and she is crying as well, the only other person in the room is the woman that stole our dad.

My head is pounding and I feel like I'm spinning but nothings moving. I move my head slightly and Rafe sees it straight away and comes towards me.

'How are you feeling?' he asks, his voice is full of concern, and he is still crying.

'my head hurts, what happened?' I replied, feeling like crying myself. Once he figured out that I couldn't remember what had happened, he started to cry harder. Why is he crying?

'you were hit around the head, very hard, by a vampire, your head was bleeding a lot from the wound and now I think that you have a concussion, the doctor is on his way,' he explained slowly, so I wouldn't freak out or miss anything.

'why did they hit me on the head?' I ask, now I am crying because my head is pounding.

'you were shifting into your wolf and as you didn't know how to control it, Paige had to knock you out so you wouldn't hurt her or do anything worse,' again he explained this slowly. I could have killed someone. But I don't think that they should have knocked me out. I didn't know what else to say so I just cried for the pain and the confused state that I am in. Rafe moved forward more and took me into his arms gently, like I am some fragile doll. He is trying to calm me down, saying that the more I cried the more my head would hurt. I want to say something to let him know that my head had a buzzing feeling in it, like when my back was healing. My head must be healing now. I wonder how my back is. Do I tell Rafe about my back?

'the doctors here,' the woman at the door said. I want to scream at here to go away and leave my family alone, and that is what I did. Rafe tried to get me to calm down and he tried to keep me still because I am trying to get up. He manages to tell me that she's a friend of his and her name is Carol and that she didn't take him. this shocked, just like my screaming shocked Carol.

'what do you mean she didn't take you, a paranormal did and she was holding you in the other,' I ask, now super confused.

'I wasn't take, who put that thought in your head? She was hugging me, she's a friend Ivy,' he now looked confused. He knew about mums state so he knew it wasn't her that told me he was taken.

'Midnight and I figured that you were taken,' I told, tears were rolling down my face again.

'Ivy, why would you think I was taken?' he is really confused now.

'because you wouldn't leave us alone with mum when she was in the state she was,' I replied, the tears were now coming faster.

'I didn't want to leave Ivy but I couldn't control the thirst, I could have hurt someone, I had to get better, I didn't want to hurt you, so I had to leave, I'm sorry you've felt like this all your life but I wasn't taken,' he explained it slowly, but I now felt numb, I don't want to think and I don't know what to do.

what do I do mummy?

author's notes:

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tell me what you think she should do, leave and hate her dad or stay and forgive him.

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