the prophecy

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The darkness started to lift and I started to see light around me. I could feel a cover ontop of me and I am in a soft hospital bed.
The darkness lifted fully and I can see that I am in my room again. I turned my head to the left and I can see Midnight and my gran talking quietly in the corner of the room. But what got to me isn't the fact that they are whispering but the fact that if I tried, I can hear what theu are saying but that should be impossible.
'I don't trust that boy. I want to know what he's doing here!' My gran whispered to Midnight.
'I don't know, so you will have to wait to ask Ivy or ask him yourself!' Midnight whispered back harshly. I could tell that this isn't the first time she's heard this.
I turned my head to the right and saw Nathan sleeping in the chair that is near the window. I smiled at the sight of him and how peaceful he looks.
I wonder why he was at the hospital in the first place but I'm glad he found me, otherwise I could have hurt myself while passing out and I got to see him again.
'IVY!' Midnight yells as she tries to get my attention. I hadn't realised that she was saying my name. I turn my head to her and I can see that she is concerned.
'I need help with gran, and who is this boy?' She sounds so scared as she whispers what she said. But I don't understand why she is scared of him.
'He saved my life from Connor, and I have a good feeling about him?' I whisper back.
'Your trusting this strange boy because of a fucking feeling, are you bloody crazy?' she is still whispering but yelling at the same time. I don't understand why she is so angry at me, this boy saved my life while she ran to get adults because she couldn't save me herself, while this boy risked his life for a girl he doesn't even know.
Midnight is staring at me waiting for a reply but I don't give her one.
Nathan starts to stir in his sleep, and begins to wake up, so I turn my attention to him and away from Midnight, who is still waiting for a reply. Nathan opens his eyes and it momentarily disorientated as he tries to remember where he is. He looks over at me and smiles and finally remembers where he has woken up.
'Good morning,' I whisper to him because I can't find my voice so I had to whisper.
'Morning,' he whispers back. Nathan stood up and stretchs while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. His hair is a dark, scruffy mop on his head and he needs to have a shower.
Gran is staring at Nathan like he's the worst person in the world and I don't understand why. The silence in the room is almost deafening, so my mind is scrambling for something to say but Nathan beats me too it:
'I would like to introduce myself, my name is Nathan Black and I am here because I was sent by my mother because she told me that I would need to help a girl that would soon be something special to the world, possibly it's savour. I have managed to save this beautiful Granddaughter of yours but I don't know if she's the one my mother spoke about because I know nothing about her so if I could have permission to speak with her and stay with her for abit that would be appreciated.' The way he spoke is so formal sounding but just by looking at him, people could tell that he wasn't a formal person. I really wanted my gran to say yes but me and Midnight both thought she would say no. I wanted to know how his mother knew that he would save a girl if he came here and there is no way that I could be this girl because I'm nothing, but then again I did have that super creepy moment in the toilet.
My gran is nodding her head and we all knew that she is saying yes to Nathan staying.
'What else did your mother say about this superior girl?' My gran asked. She sounded so curious but I could tell she didn't want to use the word superior. This again made me think about the moment in the loo, maybe I should tell Gran about it.
'She said that she would have purple-blue eyes and black hair, and she would have no idea what she was and where she came from or who her father was. And that she would be hunted by other because of the great power and abilities that she has.' Nathan replied as if he is saying normal thing but he's described mu features but I don't have great power and abilities.
All of a sudden there is the sound of people screaming from the hallway and the sound of growling. The smell of blood is coming into the room and gran rushed to lock the door while Nathan moves the tablebin front of the door.
The is a loud knocking on the door and an odd silhouette is seen the the clouded glass.
'OPEN THE DOOR!' The person on the other side of the door yells. But he doesn't wait very long because he smashes the glass.

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