killing men

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I am so angry that I am seeing red, I can feel that I have no control of what the wolf is doing. She charges forward towards the men that have come into this apartment and I attack them, I can hear people cheering me on but I am not doing this for anyone but for my mum, my dad and my gran, who they killed.

I snapped my jaw at the men in front of me, some of them flinch but other don't, I grab hold of one of them in my mouth, I slammed my jaw shut and I felt and hear the bones in the neck that's in my mouth crack, the body twitched but then went lifeless.

OH MY GOD! I just killed someone. But I had to do it. They kill people too. I think I'm in panic mode but I know that I have to carry on, so I do. I start grabbing all of them and killing them. The room is quiet but I know that people are cheering silently.

I hear a moan in the corner, when I get to the last man, I turn and see that dad has woken up and now he is sitting up slowly. His eyes go wide and I turn in time to see a taser being jabbed at me. I get hit and fall to the floor, stunned. Dad get up and sneaks around the room, and just when the man is about to stun me again, dad attacks. He grabs the man and stinks his teeth into the mans throat , hitting the artery. The man twitches and flops and then he stops.

I shift back and a blanket is thrown at me, I wrap it around myself and then head to dad. Midnight hadn't moved but everyone else had killed the people that was holding them. Dad grabbed me into a hug, and I just slumped against him, going limp. He held me up and then lifted me into his arms and carrying me to the bedroom, making sure that the blanket stayed in place.

I threw on some clothes, once again, and then went to help everyone, except Midnight clean up the mess that had been made. Once that is done, I decide to talk to Midnight about what's wrong.

'What's wrong with you?' I ask her in a whisper. She looks at me and I can see that there is a lot of angrier in her.

'says the girl who just killed people, how can you protect him and go against me, when he's the one that left?' she asks. I am shocked by what she just said and from the way that dad stiffened across the room, I can tell that he hear.

'He's my dad and unlike you I want to love him and not kill him,' I snap at her. She gets up and she raises her fist, she brings it down before I can react and slams her fist into my face. I am stunned and my hand flies to  my face. Tears form in my eyes.

'He doesn't care or he wouldn't have left us with a woman that couldn't look after us,' she says harshly.

'I think mum was more with it that we think and dad left because he cared and didn't want to hurt us,' I shout at her, now attracting the attention of everyone.

'Mum was pretty much dead, there's no point in denying it. And he is not our dad, he is a man that doesn't want us,' she says, her voice breaking and then she walks out of the room and slammed the door behind her. Dad comes up to me and takes me into a hug, tears in his eyes.

'thank you for defending me but you don't have to do that, if your angry as well, then I completely understand,' he whispers to me. I shake my head at him.

'I'm not angry, I've always wanted my dad back and now I have him, I'm not about to walk out on that, beside, now I can have at least one parent still with me,' I say to him. He squeezes me tighter.

'Dad, I have to tell you something, a vision that  had before,' I say, he looks at me and nods, so I explain the vision, where mum is taken by our uncle, and by the time I'm finished dad looks to shocked to do anything.

'and may I ask where you gran is, or did she do her thing when she leaves when things get tough?' he asks, sounding choked.

'she's dead, the men that just attacked here killed her, they snapped her neck,' I whisper, sounding choked myself. Now that got his attention. He nods and then walks into the bedroom.

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