Big events

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Rafe's P.O.V

We head off in the direction of the underground base, and we think of a plan using the map that Nicky sent us. The leaders off this are excellent hunters, and they have developed the plan. We sneak into the base by using the underground tunnel that is attached to the sewer, and then we grab someone that has a uniform and one of the hunters will go in and take care of the rest of them, then they will come and get the rest of the group, we will sneak off into several different groups to search every room in the base, considering that we don't know which room Ivy will be in, and there could be other prisoners.

As we are going over this plan Mircea starts to shake in the chair he is sitting in, and he falls on the floor. The nurse that we have with us goes to have a look at what's wrong.

'He's not in pain, but his eyes have changed to purple,' she says. I know what that means because it happened before. Mircea sits up and gets back in the chair. My next words shocks everyone.

'Ivy, is that you?' I say, I hear people whispering that I have lost my mind, until Mircea/ Ivy nods.

'Yes it's me, but I still don't know how I'm doing this,' She says. Now people are saying that Mircea's gone mad.

'What's happening?' I ask Mircea/ Ivy. She just shrugs, and look around. Tears start to form at her eyes, and they fall.

'I don't know how much longer I can stand it. I'm holding on, but I don't think I can carry on,' She says, and this makes my heart break. I go to speak but Mircea falls on the floor, coughing, and this is how I know that Ivy is gone.

Ivy's P.O.V

I get back to the torture room, where I am still stuck in this stupid chair, and I cry, I just sit and cry, mainly because there isn't much else that I can do. 

the door opens behind me and hear the laugh of my aunt. She comes forward and into my view, but I loo away, I can't stand to look at her any more.

'So, what's going on?' I hear her say. I look up and her face falls. She comes forward and hugs me. 

'What are you doing?' I ask, and this is when I realise that this woman has different eye colour and different clothes from early. My world spins around me.

'Mummy,' I whisper, and she nods. She goes to undo me, but then she is flung to the back of the room. I turn to see Victoria and her witch standing in the door, and my sister is behind them. Of course she is part of this.

I look back at mum and she is getting back up. I look at my sister and she smiles when she sees the blood, and tears. She is just like her aunt, and I am my mother. 

I look back at mum to see that her eyes are glowing a different colour and she is mumbling, just then I hear a scream, I turn again to see Victoria on the floor and my sister is bent over her.

Midnight moves and then there is a sharp pain in my stomach. I look down to see a knife sticking into my stomach, and she drags it across my stomach. I scream and my vision goes cloudy around the edge of my vision.

Rafe's P.O.V

We get to the base and we are searching the rooms. This is when I hear my daughter scream. But just as I round the corner, Nicky's brother comes out of a room.

'What are you doing here, Harry?' I ask, but I see tears on his face. I look in the room that he just came out of to see his daughter lying on the bed, and I can clearly see that she is dead. Victoria is killing all of their daughters.

'I am looking for my sister, and other daughter, and yours as well,' he replies, and there is another scream, this one coming from Nicky.

Harry and I turn and run down the corridor. We burst in the room, we see Nicky is front of a chair, Victoria on the floor and Midnight behind Nicky, and she has a knife in her hand.

Harry runs forward to grab Midnight, Midnight sees him and runs towards Nicky. I look at the chair to see Ivy, she looks at me, tears in her eyes.

Ivy's P.O.V

Midnight is now behind mum, and someone has just joined the party. I see my uncle out of the corner of my eye, but Midnight sees him too, and runs forward, determined to get to mum first.

I turn my head, to see my dad standing to the right of me. I stare at him in the eye, and then I let the darkness over take me, but I still hear him scream my name.

Mircea's P.O.V

I run into the room, just in time to see Ivy's head drop.

'NO!' I scream and run forward. I put my fingers to her neck to feel a pulse and I feel one, even if it is faint. I untie her and leave the base.

It will be just me and her, and she can see her family when it is safe. I run out of the base, and I don't stop until I know it's safe.

Author's notes:

Finally we are finished.

this is the end. please tell me if you want another book.

Even if you don't though I'm still doing one cause I enjoy it.

I will probably go back and edit the chapters though.

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