The Pain

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Rafe's POV

She's gone. My daughter is gone. I've managed to lose both my daughters. One to darkness and anger. And the other to dark people. I can't breathe properly.

'Rafe, you need to calm down and just breathe, we'll get Ivy back,' I hear Carol talking to me through the darkness that surrounds me but I don't listen, I don't want to listen. I JUST WANT IVY BACK.

I don't realise that I shouted the last part until Carol talks again.

'I know, I know you do, but we won't get anywhere until you calm down and help,' She says calmly to me. How can she be so calm? I ask myself.

I let the darkness slip from view and light bursts in, and I see Carol's face in front of me. I calm my breathing, with more talking from Carol

I know that I have to stay calm, I have to save my beautiful girl.

'RAFE,' My name is called from the next room, so Carol and I make our way there.

'We don't know where she is but Mircea had an idea to communicate with her,' Sophie says.

'He suggested that we connect someone to her, and they will be able to mind link to her, feel the surroundings, feel the pain she's having, if she is in pain of course,' Sophie says, rushing to say the last part when she sees my expression.

'I'll do it, Rafe your the best person to find her, and no offence but I can take bad situations better than most people, if need be,' Mircea says, again rushing the last part.

Ivy's POV

I awoke from the pain coming from my thigh. I wonder what's happening back at the hotel. I really wish my dad was here. 

I kept getting random thoughts and it is really starting to annoy me. I hear the door open behind me, but I don't see anything. Even if the lights were on I wouldn't be able to see because for some reason the people here decided to blindfold me.

I hear footsteps come up behind me, and then a hand is stroking my hair.

'you have really nice, long black hair, it would be a shame for it to be cut off,' the woman from yesterday spoke. At this point, I really didn't care about my hair, but when I hear a pair of scissors being used, I start to panic. My head became lighter as my hair fell to the floor.

After the woman is done with my hair, she speaks again.

'now, where to put these scissors,'I hear her say. I feel her drag them down my bare arms, and then she gets to my stomach. I am trying to break the ropes around my wrist, to escape the pain that's about to come. 

The scissors lift, and then swing down, and they plunge into my right side, just under the ribs. I scream in pain again.

'what... do.... you... want?' I ask, between gasps of pain. The woman just laughs.

'you'll find out soon,' she says, and then I hear footsteps and the door closes.

Rafe's POV

We do the spell to attach Mircea to Ivy, and as soon as we do, he starts to scream in pain.

'what? what's happening?' Nathan asks, frantically. 

'So much pain, there's pain in my thigh, and side, the side has only just been hurt though,' Mircea says, gasping from the pain he's just received.

My baby girl. She's in pain. 

author's notes:

please vote,

please comment, will they find Ivy? And if so will it be dead or alive?

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