the escape

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We all sat in the room staring at the door, willing the man at the door to go away.
'We only want the girl and then we'll leave you all alone,' the mam said softly but none of us is buying it, as soon as he gets what he wants then everyone else is dead. I wonder if I'm the girl that he wants, but surely not, I'm nothing special, I'm just an ordinary girl.
Nathan stood up from the chair he was sitting on and went over to the window. He moves the blind out of the way and takes a look out. He has a small smile on his face and he opens the window.
'what do you think you're doing!' My gran whispered harshly towards Nathan.
'I'm getting us a way out of here,' he whispers back gently. I have no idea what floor we are on but I know it's not the ground floor. Nathan then swings his legs out of the window, so he is sitting on the window sill. He is in reaching distance of the tree next to the window and he grabs on to the branch nearest to him and pulls himself onto it. He then goes into his backpack and gets out a rope. Why on earth does he have a rope in his backpack? I wonder to myself. But that question never got answered.
'Come on, we cam climb down the tree and make a run for it,' Nathan said while waving us over to the tree.
Midnight didn't look very happy with that.
'Why on bloody earth would we trust you and also risk our lives climbing down a crap looking tree?' She whisper yelled at him. Why didn't she trust him, I wondered. He saved my life from Connor and he helped me when I passed out near the toilets.
Nathan and Midnight were swearing and arguing while I am thinking to myself. So to stop them arguing, I got our of bed and walked over to the window. I put my legs over the edge of it and reached out to take Nathan's hand to support me walking over to him.
The banging on the door got louder and the wood starts to smash. Nathan hurriedly helped me down the rest of the tree to the ground and when I am safely on the ground he climbs back up to help my gran down the tree and then Midnight. She didn't look very happy about being near to Nathan.
I look down at what I'm wearing and see that I only have Nathans hoody on and pajama trousers, and I didn't want to be seen in them. Nathan noticed me looking down and gave a small smile. He then went into his bag and got a pair of his spare tracksuit bottoms out and handed them to me.
'It's all I have to spare,' he said, kind of shyly and that made me grin.
'Thank you,' I whispered to him and put on the tracksuits.
We all start to jog to the edge of Wolfsville.
We planned to head to where Nathans mum lived and see what happens then. Midnight and I still worried about mum but gran still wouldn't tell us anything.
Nathan is incharge according to gran because he knows the way and tactics.
We got to the end of the road and heard shouting behind us. We turned around to see men in black outfits sprinting after us and their hands were glowing.
We turned forward and start to run as fast as we can but the men were gaining on us. I could feel myself getting angry amd my hands were itching. I started panicking cause this could mean that my eyes have changed colour or I had other feature that I had before when I got angry.
I could feel something in me telling ro turn around and fight but I didn't feel brave enough to.
All of a sudden my gran stopped and turned around, so we stopped and turned. She is muttering a language that sounded like latin but I wasn't sure.
When she finished muttering there was a sudden flash of light and everyone was blinded and then all sound seemed to stop.
But where were the men, cause we couldn't see or hear so we could see them.
Did this happen to them as well.
Then the world seemed to come back into focus and the men were........

Authors notes
Sorry if it's rubbish. I'm not very good at cliffhangers so apologies for that too.
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