it's a bad time

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'what are you doing?' Nathan says, sounding really hurt. I laughed because it is so obvious what we had been doing.

'what do you think we were doing, giving each other CPR?' I reply, sarcasm dripping with the words I spat at him. Mircea looks so unsure what to do.

'why were you kissing him, I thought we had a thing going?' He says, really sounding upset.

'I'm sure your girlfriend thought the same thing,' I stated, adding hate to the words 'your girlfriend'. His face suddenly looked shocked and ashamed at the same time.

'I thought we had a thing too but I was wrong,' I said to him, because I didn't like the silent that settled around us. Mircea has pulled me into his arms, when tears started to fall once again.

'We do, I just went to break up with my girlfriend, so I can be with you but then I come back and I see this,' He replies, letting a few tears of his own fall.

'Maybe you should have done that before we had that moment in the motel, or did you forget that part!' I'm starting to yell and I can feel claws digging in to my palms. But these claws are different, these ones are sharper and  a different colour, these are wolf ones.

'no, how can I forget? I didn't have a phone to tell her,' He replies to my comment, even though I didn't want him to cause I knew either way I wouldn't like the answer.

'your a cheat, and a don't know if I can forgive you for what you did,' I say, now whispering. He looked down and nodded. He knows he's done something wrong, and he is ashamed, I smile.

'please forgive me, I want to be with you, that's why I let her go,' he whispers to me but I am already walking out of the room, so I pretend not to hear.

When I walk into the big room, I see Midnight sitting on a chair, looking worried, she looks up and sees me, she starts shaking and this makes me smile. Good! She did a bad thing, she shouldn't ha e thrown those knives. She could have killed someone.

'Hey kid, are you okay?' Dad says from behind me. I turn and nod at him, but he can tell that I've been crying, so he pulls me into a hug.

'thank you, by the way, for healing my arm,' he says, now whispering so no-one else can hear him.

'I wasn't going to let you lay there bleeding was I, I had to do something and I'm glad something actually happened, I didn't expect that,' I say, laughing because we both just remember that anything could have happened because I don't know how to do magic properly yet, and dad's face is priceless. He nods, and then walks over to Carol, he pulls her into a hug and whispers something into her ear, she giggles. They are definitely more than friends.

Mircea walks out of the bedroom and he walks to a man standing near the door and whispers something to him. There is blood on Mircea's hand and I wonder where it came from. The guard by the door goes into the bedroom, and comes out carrying Nathan who is unconscious. Did Mircea do that?

'are you still feeling angry?' I ask Midnight, she shakes her head.

'Look I'm sorry for changing, you know I don't have control and I was really mad,' I say to her, she just nods her head again.

No-one is saying anything, we are just standing, or sitting, around the big room.

Just when we are getting comfortable with the silence, there is a loud crash coming from the front door.  It is the men! They found us! They charge into the room and most of them start taking a hold of people, some put up a fight but that doesn't last long because they men were stronger. Dad rushes to get to Midnight and me, Carol is right behind him but she gets grabbed.

Dad stands in front of us, ready to attack anyone. But I know he won't be strong enough. Five men come up to dad and starts to grab him but he puts up a good fight, they swing him across the room.

'DAD!' I scream. But he is unconscious on the floor. I start to feel angry and I can feel my wolf. I quickly get the hang of controlling her, and I shift.

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