the past vision

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I was in our house and mum is sitting in her arm chair as usual, just staring off into her own world. She didn't talk much but that was ok because we could get away with doing anything that we wanted.
She looked up at me slowly and gave a small smile, could she see me. Was I really in our home? But then I realised that she is looking behind me and not at me. I turn to see our black cat sitting at the sliding glass door. I want to go and open the door but I couldn't move my feet.
I turned back to mum and she is in her own land again, I do wonder what her mental world looks like, is it like here, are we there? Those are questions that Midnight and I ask all the time but get no reply.
Suddenly the front door blasted in on itself and the men that were at the hospital were here at the house.
I screamed for mum to run but she couldn't hear me, but she did hear the door. She stood up and looked very angry.
'WHERE IS THE GIRL?' one of the men yelled, he must of been the leader.
'Your not having my precious Ivy,' my mum said softly. I felt tears in my eyes as she said my name for the first time in forever.
The men looked at each other and then back at my mum but their eyes have changed colour and they had wolf ears and wolf teeth. They snarled at my mum and then launched at her. They bit down into her arms and legs and torso. She was screaming in pain but didn't say where I was. Then another man walked in, my uncle. He looked different, we haven't seen him in ages. He held his hand up and the me stopped biting my mum.
I am crying so hard and I kept screaming for them to stop but they didn't hear me.
'Bring her and keep her alive but weak,' my uncle said softly. So the wolf men bit into my mum's skin again, she was unconscious at this point and they dragged her out the house.
Then darkness started to come over my eyes and I felt myself whiz to somewhere else.
'Ivy!?' I could hear someones voice in the darkness, some distance away.

Authors note:
Hi guys. Please comment and vote. I sorry that this part is short vut you'll understand why soon. Very soon.
Tell me what u think. Do i suck, rock or am i somewhere in the middle.
Please comment at least even if u dont want to vote. Thanks

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