becoming criminals

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I think I am in shock. I'm shaking and I didn't hear what people were saying to me.
Could I trust my sister now? Should I leave? What do I do?
'IVY!' Nathan yells at me, trying to snap me out of my shock. Suddenly I just wanted to start laugh, so I giggled and giggled and laughed harder and harder.
'She hysterical,' my gran says, looking worriedly towards me. I don't know what to do. But I felt scared again so I got up, left the room and went to the cafè next door. I ordered a tea and sat at the table nearest the window, so if my family looked for me then they can see me.
Nathan and Gran joined me half an hour later. They probably let me calm down first. I didn't say anything and neither did they. They got two coffees to go and gran asked me to come back. I nodded, not yet ready to talk without bursting into tears at the thought of Midnight being my killer.
How should I respond to that? Could she really do it?
'where is she?' I whisper. Scared of what the response is.
'she crying in the bathroom,' gran said, matter of factly.
I went and sat on the bed and Nathan came to sit next to me. Gran went to get Midnight out of the bathroom. Two minutes later she walked in and sat on her bed.
'now that you two have calmed down I can explain what I meant,' gran said, sounding slightly annoyed.
'I think you've explained enough,' I whispered and Midnight nodded her head in agreement. Besides we are all tired and we still have a long journey ahead.
We all climbed into bed and turned on the news. We were shocked to see all our faces on the screen along with mums as well.
'we have reason to believe that these four people are responsible for the kidnapping and possible killing of this woman. If you see or hear from these people then please report it to the police immediately. These people are dangerous and could be armed. At the sight of the kidnapping was a lot of blood on the floor and we have been told that, even though a young girl, Ivy is in charge of this group of.......'  We didn't hear the rest of what the reporter said because gran turned the television off before we could.
'we have to get out of here now!' she said, so we all grabbed our stuff which is still packed and ran to the car, luckily the news isn't on in the motel but it is always on in the cafè next door.
We got in the car, Nathan at the wheel again and he drove as fast as the car would go out of the parking lot and onto the motorway.
So the journey begins and now we are being hunted. Just when I thought it couldn't get worse, my hands started to ache and tingle and my back felt like something was poking through my skin. I moved my hand over my back and I could feel small bits of bone poking through. I asked gran to take a look and she calmly explained how it was my wings that I had were slowly coming through. They would go away soon, she explained.
My hands now had claws and they were glowing. Gran said that I needed to calm down or I could end up blowing up the car.
'WHAT?!?' I shouted at the top of my lungs, making Nathan jump and as he jumped, he turned the steerimg wheel and we began to spin.

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