the attack

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Near the end of school, Silver and I were hanging out near the back of the school, and we were trying to figure out who had taken the two teenagers and if we were next. Then a group of boys who hates us come round the corner and starts shouting at us and run at us. We start running away from them but we had P.E. before the end break so we are exhausted, the group of boys catch up with us and grab us by our hair. We cry out in pain as we fall to the floor, and then start screaming when they start kicking us and punching us as well. They pick us up off the floor and throw us against the wall. Two boys come forwards and holds me and another two holds Silver, a fourth boy takes off his belt and starts to whip us with it, we are both screaming in pain, but two other boys come up behind us and holds their hands over our mouths so our screams are muffled.

'You're a danger to the school, and freaks!' one of the boys screamed in our faces. Silver and I were crying in pain at this point, and we couldn't see the boys any more through our tears. The belt got caught on my shirt and ripped it open, I screamed in embarrassment and fear because the belt could now catch my skin. Silver was wearing a jacket so her shirt was safe from being ripped. The boys kept yelling how they don't want us here and how they wish we died, or that they wanted us to be taken, just like Clara and the other teen. There is blood over the front my front and shirt, and there are bruises starting to form, and I can tell that they will be really bad tomorrow.

Out the corner of my eye, I see a shine where the light has hit something shiny and I try to turn my head to see what it is but all I can see is a handle that one of the boys is holding. But after the boy thought for a few seconds I soon found out what it is, because he holds a knife up to my face and slides the smooth, non-sharp side down the side of my cheek. I try to scream in fear but one of the boys hand is still on my mouth, so it wasn't very loud. He moves the blade of the knife down my neck and all the way down the front of my torso. He then whispers something to the other boys but I'm panicking too much to hear. I look at Silver out the corner of my eye and sees she is also crying. They boys kick us both to the floor, we are both lying on our fronts and they rip open our shirts at the back, they took Silvers jacket off because it wasn't easy to rip. There was only one knife so they could only hurt one of us at a time and I am the one that goes first. They stuffed Silvers jacket in my mouth so I'm quiet and they place the tip of the knife on my left shoulder blade, the tip goes in roughly two centimetres and I scream and prey for them to stop. Silver is kicking and wiggling and finally manages to get the boys to loosen their grip just enough for her to slip out of their hold and run. She runs to the corner and around it while I'm on the floor screaming for her to help me.

She'll be back soon. She's just gone to get help. That's what I think. I know she will come back but she knows that she can't fight all these boys on her own so she's gone to get help. The boy with the knife, Connor, drags the knife down my back and I scream and prey and squirm. He then goes back to my shoulder blade and does another lines, he does this four times but starting and ending at different points on my back. He then moves to a different point on my back and does four more lines while I'm screaming for him to stop. While I'm screaming when he does the last line I hear a crash near the bins, I try to look over to see if it Silver trying to sneak out the back door but it's not, it's a figure in a black hoodie and black jeans. The figure turns around and I see that it's a boy roughly my age. He starts to charge at us with an angry look on his face. When he gets to us he grabs Connor and hurls him at the wall. The boy in the black hoodie then turns to the rest of the boys, picks up the knife and charges at them, the rest of the group pick up Connor and runs away to the front of the school. The boy in the black hoodie looks down at me, takes Silvers jacket out of my mouth and presses it onto my back, to try and stop the bleeding, he then takes of his hoodie, to reveal a black t-shirt underneath, and places that over the top of me as well, probably to try and keep me warm. There is a noise at the corner, so I turn my head to see Silver and a bunch of teachers running towards me and I can hear an ambulance in the distance. I turn to look at the stranger that had saved me but he isn't there anymore, so I just turn my head back to my sister and cry. The teachers get to me and crouch around me, saying the ambulance is on it's way and that I'm going to be okay. Silver is whispering,

'it's going to okay, she'll be fine, it could be worse.' But I know she's thinking, this is my fault, I shouldn't have left.

The ambulance comes while the teachers are calming me down. Silver is sitting on the wall near by looking into outer space, trying to process what had just happened to us. The paramedics come around the corner and walk to where I'm still lying on the ground. They get me up and lay me on the bed in the ambulance, Silver and a teacher gets in with me and the ambulance drives to the hospital. I'm slowly losing consciousness but desperately fighting to stay awake so I can see me sisters face to keep me calm but I'm panicky because I can't. I ask the paramedic next to me if I can keep the black hoodie that the strange boy put on me and he says yes.

Authors notes
The pic at the top is Nathan. Ivys hero from connor. I couldn't find him in a black hoodie.

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