taking slight control

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'WHAT?!?' I shouted at the top of my lungs, making Nathan jump and as he jumped, he turned the steerimg wheel and we began to spin.
What do I do? How do I make it stop?
I thought of how to make it stop but I had no idea. I tried to think of the car stopping but when I opened my eyes, we were just going faster. Gran is yelling for me to stop and calm down but I couldn't.
My back stopped itching and when I felt my back the bony things were no longer there. Okay, so to do that I had to get calmer, now focus on my hamds and stop the magic. Clear my mind, close my eyes and stay calm. I look at my hands and they are no longer glowing. But we are still spinning so I clear my mind and only focus on the car stopping. I open my eyes and we are no longer spinning. I think I'm getting the hang of this but I have a feeling that I still have a lot to learn.
I looked around, and everyone looks like a ghost. I can't believe that we almost died, or gotten hurt.
I didn't know what to say to everyone.
'well done, you managed to take control,' gran sounded impressed by what I just did to stop the car, so I gave her a shaky smile and nodded.
'let's never scream in the car again!' Nathan said, his voice shaking with fear. Midnight looked like she is going to cry.
We were silent as Nathan started the engine again and started to drive. For some reason I really wanted to try the wings but I am too scared and I am in a car.
Nathan is the only one in the car that knows where we are going so everyone else decided to take a nap.
But before I had the chance a bright light flashed in front of my eyes and I had another vision.
I saw us get to a cottage, the door was broken off the hinges and the windows were smashed. Nathan was crying and there was a dead body lying on the floor in the living room. There was someone hiding in the woods but when I started walking over to them a wolf jumped in front of me, snarling at me. I screamed and turned. Gran wasn't with us but I don't know where she is, she never left us. Did she? I ran and Midnight and Nathan were right behind me. Nathan didn't seem to have the energy so I grabbed his hand and pulled him along.
The vision ended but when I looked at the car clock it had been two hours since i fell asleep. Was it just a dream or was it a vision? I felt something falling down my cheek and when I looked in the mirror I could see that it was the blood tears again.
I looked for a tissue bit couldn't find one. Nathan wasn't looking at me and I didn't want him to see the blood tears. I realised I had put a black t-shirt underneath Nathans hoodie, so I started to use that but Nathan looked at me and saw the blood tears, a look of worry and concern crossed his face but he reached into his pocket and got a tissue. I thanked him and took the tissue and wiped the blood away.
'go back to sleep,' Nathan says, sounding worried about the blood still. I just nodded and closed my eyes. And thats when the nightmare started.

Authors notes:
Thanks for those who reads my work.
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