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I woke up from my sleep to see Nathan leaning over the bed, and his eyes widen when he sees that I have seen him.

'what are you doing?' I whisper, careful not to wake my dad, Carol and Mircea.

'I just came to see you, but when I got here everyone was asleep, so I just came over to wait until you woke up,' he whispered back. I nod but he doesn't see because he has turned around.

'where are you going?' I whisper in a harsh voice, as I shout in a whisper.

'why? Do you want me to stay?' He asks back, but in a harsh tone, not a shouting one. He's angry, why is everyone angry at me? 

'yes, I want you to stay, why are you angry at me?' I ask, and I see dad stir on the couch he is laying on. 

'I thought you hate me, you broke up with me, and you left me for Mircea,' he states and his voice is still full on anger.

'what's going on here?' Rafe whispers, also trying not to wake other people.

'sorry, dad, did we wake you?' I say, he smiles and gives a small chuckle, while shaking his head.

'I don't know if I'll ever get used to you calling me dad, especially since we just met, and no, Sweetie you didn't wake me,'He says, and I give a small giggle at his words, but I do realise that I trust people very quickly and forgive them as well. 

He starts to stand up but he sees how angry Nathan is getting and stops.

'Nathan, what's wrong?' Dad asks him, his voice full of concern. 

'what's wrong is that your daughter can't see that she's meant to be with me, not Mircea,' Nathan spits. 

'I'm not the one who fucked another girl, while still with a girlfriend, and Mircea is nicer to me than you are,' I spit back. Nathan runs forward and grabs me by the hair, he drags me out of the bed, and out of the room, before dad can even react to what's happening.

'IVY!' I hear dad shout from the hospital room, and the last thing I see is him running out of the doorway, before everything goes dark.

The first thought that goes through my head is that I'm dead, but death isn't meant to hurt. I try to move but realise I can't, I look down but everything is pitch black, so I can't see anything. 

'HELLO, WHERE AM I?' I shout, to get anyone's attention. I hear a door open but I can't see where, and then footsteps come towards me. The lights flicker one, and I see someone that I don't recognise in front of me.

'finally, we have you, and now we can go after the main person we want, and drive him insane,' The woman says.

'who are you? what do you want from me?' I say, and hold back tears that threaten, I'm not going to show these people that I'm weak. I try to move again, but I still don't go anywhere, and I feel my wrists begin to burn. I look down and see that I am tied to a chair, my wrists and arms tied to the arm rests and my ankles tied to the legs of the chair.

'you can't escape, so there's no point in trying, you are going to feel a lot of pain,' the woman says, and with a quick movement of her arm.... I scream, I look down and see a handle sticking out of my right thigh. 

Blood pours out of my leg, and I pass out.

authors notes:

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