the victims

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Authors notes

This isn't going to be cartoon but I don't know who should be them so I'm using cartoon pics of them so you can get an idea of what the characters look like. This is ivy. Midnight looks similar but with a bright green colour.

The teachers rushed to wake up the sleeping students and get us all out the hall. When we were all outside we had to get into the lines with our form groups so the teachers could take the register to see if anyone is still in the building. Silver and I are in the same form, so we walked to where we needed to be together, we don't have any friends so we didn't need to worry about anyone in the building. The teachers finished doing the register and everyone started talking to each other. Silver and I just started to talk about which paranormal we want to research next but after five minutes of talking we felt like someone was watching us so we turned around to see a big group of students staring at us looking scared, the youngest one, who had blonde hair and big blue eyes, came forward and looked up at us and asked,

'Do you think this was the work of a paranormal? Because we used the computer yesterday and it was fine when we left it and no one has used it since.'

'Also it started smoking after your phone went off so it must have been linked to that,' explained the boy who had turned around in assembly, Sammy. Sammy was right though because it did start going funny after my phone went off with that weird message.

'I ain't got a clue what 'appened in there,' I replied a bit annoyed that they were somewhat accusing me of be part of the fire. But no-one was listening to me anymore because there was blood-curdling screams coming from across the field. All the teachers had started to run across the field to see what was happening and the coach was cursing as he ran by. Some of the braver kids and stupid kids were running in that direction as well, including Silver and I.

When we got to the end of the court the student that was screaming was no longer there, all her clothes were but nothing of her. there was a small puddle of blood on the floor but no sign of the girl that had been screaming.

'It was Clara!' on of the girls who was standing there shouted, Clara was one of the few people who dared to talk about paranormals, just like Silver and I did. There was a total of four people in the school who spoke of paranormals and now one of them was gone. The boy that also spoke about it came up to Silver and I and he looked terrified. But then the teachers started to lead people back inside so they could call parents to come and get the students. But when nearly everyone was inside there was another scream, and the remaining people outside turned around, Silver and I were near the end so we could see what had happened, the boy that had come up to us had now vanished, except his clothes and a small puddle of blood. This is the time when Silver starts to panic because she has the same thought I do, we are next. I manage to calm her down though, and we walk past the remaining people who are staring at us and we walk inside.

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