Being teased

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'It's okay, you sake now,' he says, and more tears spill down his cheeks, I see Carol has woken up and see gets up and rushes over when she sees that I am awake.

'what happened?' she asks, so I explain what the wolf goddess told me and about her as well. 

'That's... I have no words,' Dad says, and I laugh. It is a shock that Midnight would do that to me, but now I know that she is on the path to kill me, even though she promised she wouldn't.

'I don't know what I've done, why does she hate me?' I ask. But no-one has an answer. 

'Mircea,' I gasp, I realise that I had been talking to him right before I passed out. He must be freaking.

'He's in the waiting room, he hasn't left,' Carol says and gets up to go and get him.

'So, Midnight hurt you, and you hurt you, Stupid,' Dad says, I blush when I realise he's talking about me clawing my chest.

'I couldn't help it, I couldn't breathe and I didn't know my claws were out, I couldn't see,' I say defensively. But he just chuckles and this makes me giggle.

The door opens and Mircea and Carol walks in, followed but a few other people. 

'how are you feeling?' Mircea asks. I tilt my head side to side, as I debated with myself on how I felt.

'I'm good, it's a little hard to breathe, but otherwise I'm fine,' I say. He nods, and smiles, he leans down on the bed, and gives me a hug. 

'I was so worried, at first I thought it was just a vision but then I saw blood coming from your mouth, then you did the stupid thing and clawed your chest,' he said, I blushed at the comment of my action.

'enough about my stupid claws,' I yells, but wince cause it hurt my chest.

Everyone in the room laughed. But I just found it embarrassing.

'so I hear that you got a visit from the moon goddess,' Mircea says, I nod.

'well, you must feel special, she hardly ever visits people,' he says, I look surprised, I didn't know that. In fact before her visit I didn't even know there was a moon goddess.

 We all sat in silence, deep in thought, I am thinking about why the goddess chose to talk to me, why was I so special, or is it because I almost clawed myself to death.

authors notes

sorry its so short but i couldn't think of what to write.

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