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I stand over my sister, snarling and snapping my jaw at her. She is crying and screaming underneath the massive, Black wolf that stands over her.

'Ivy, you need to calm down. I need help with your dad, so calm down for me,' I can hear Carol talking slowly behind me, but her words aren't helping. But then I hear dad cry with pain as someone dabs the blood away. That helps calm me down, I need to help him, I can't do that as a wolf.

I feel myself calming down, and I slowly shift back to human, I feel a blanket being wrapped around my shoulders and when I look down, I realise that I no longer had clothes on, they had been ripped to shreds. Carol helps me stand up and she takes me into another room. My clothes from my bag had already been placed on the bed and I quickly put them on.

'your first shift, huh?' Carol asks next to me. I nod feeling tears fall down my cheeks. Carol takes me to where my dad is, still on the floor.

'Hey kid, you have a lot of control, not many wolves can shift back that quick on their first go,' he whispered, his voice full of pain. More tears fell down my cheeks when I realised he is crying and how much pain he is in.

'I had help, in my mind, I knew I had to help you and I couldn't do that as a wolf,' I whispered back. He took my hand, and gave it a squeeze.

'Ivy, how much magic do you know?' Carol asks from behind.

'none, but I think I have an idea of how to do some?' I reply, knowing why she is asking.

I place my hands on the wound in my dads arm, and I picture it healing and think the word, HEAL. And slowly under my hands I can feel the skin healing. Surely he could do this himself, but then I realised that the knife had been silver, Paranormal's can't heal silver wounds on their own. After a few seconds, I take my hands away and see that the wound has gone and all that is left is the blood. I turn and do the same thing to the man who saved me who is also laying on the floor. Once it's healed, he thanks me.

'No, Thank you, if you hadn't push me out of the way, I would be on the floor like you but I would be dead instead,' I say to him.

'what's your name?' I ask him, he looks shocked that I ask.

'Mircea,' he replies. He is so cute, I think I've developed a crush but which girl wouldn't. He hasn't stopped looking at me, so I turn back to dad with a huge blush on my face. I help dad up and Carol helps Mircea up. He still hasn't looked away.

'where is Nathan?' I ask, because I haven't seen him or his mum lately.

'I believe he is with his girlfriend, downstairs,' Carol replies. My heart shatters, girlfriend? He has a girlfriend, but what about what happened in the motel. I start to cry harder, and Mircea, Carol and my dad all look confused. I run into the bedroom, that I got dressed in earlier, feeling totally humiliated. I hate Nathan! I say to myself. Mircea comes in and asks if I am okay.  I just shake my head.

He pulls me into a hug, and lets me cry, I also explain what's wrong and he understands. Once I calm down, he leans forward and places his lips on mine. We kiss each other for about half an hour and break when we hear someone clear their throat.

We turn and see who is there. NATHAN!

author's notes:

please comment

or vote. please do at least one.

and do you think Ivy should forgive Nathan or go with Mircea.

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