Running into him

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I am on my way to the loo on my own which was turning out harder than I thought it would be, my wounds are throbbing but what was worse is the fact that the pain killers made everything start to spin when I got up. I am half way to the loo and no-one has asked if I help and that makes me made. The angrier I get though, the more my hands seem to fizz, and the weirder I feel. 

I finally manage to get to the loo on my own but I don't go because when I look in the mirror and I see that my eyes have changed colour and my teeth seemed to have changed into a set of wolf fangs, I start to scream but then i realise what people would think so I managed to stop myself quickly. Someone must have heard me though because there is a sudden knocking on the door, but by this point everything is spinning like I am trapped in a tornado. I feel sick but I manage to stay up, I go to unlock the door when I see that my eyes have changed back and my teeth seemed to have gone back to normal. 

I expected to see a nurse or one of my family members on the other side of the door, what I didn't expect to see what the boy who saved my life from Connor.

'Who are you?' I whisper to the boy. He has short, brown hair that sticks up on its end and he has green eyes, I could tell that he is muscular from his  biceps. He is staring at me like he knew what had just happened in the bathroom, but I knew he didn't know because it's the same look he gave me when he first saw me.

'My name is Nathan, how are you?' He whispered back, he seemed just as nervous as I am, but we still stayed in eye contact.

'I'm getting better but I'm still not great, and thank you,' I manage to say this normal, after clearing my throat a few times. He looked at me confused once I said thank you to him, it was like he didn't know why I was saying it to him. I am starting to sway slowly so it is unnoticeable by Nathan. He looked down at the jumper I am wearing and he smiles when he realises that it's his jumper that he gave me.

'Why did you keep my jumper?' He sounds amused as he says this. I smile back when I realise that we are both getting less nervous.

'It will remind me of when you saved me,' I replied, and we both laughed at that comment.

'Did you want it back, considering that it is yours?' I ask him, he just smiled more and shock his head.

 But his smile slowly fades and he realises that I am swaying from side to side. 

'Are you okay?' he asks sounding very worried. I shook my head at him when I realised how bad I am swaying and how dizzy I suddenly felt. Nathan starts walking towards me as I start falling to the ground. I can't see as my mind slips into darkness but I could very strong arms around me and then I lose full consciousness.

Author notes:
Please comment and give me improvements. I am kind of new to the publishing and i would love to hear other peoples opinion.
If you have any character suggestions that you would like me include then please share and I will consider and include you ideas when i can.

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