finding her

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The door was broken off the hinges and the windows were smashed. Nathan was crying and there was a dead body lying on the floor in the living room. There was someone hiding in the woods but when I started walking over to them a wolf jumped in front of me, snarling at me. I screamed and turned. I ran and Midnight and Nathan were right behind me. Nathan didn't seem to have the energy so I grabbed his hand and pulled him along.
This is exactly how my vision looked, it wasn't a nightmare. We kept running but we circle back around so that we ended up at the cottage again. We lost the wolf that had been chasing us but he would no doubt find us again. Nathan and Midnight went into the cottage while I went to where I saw the man but there is no-one there so I turned and headed towards the cottage where Nathan and Midnight went.
The body in the doorway was a girl roughly my age.
'who is she?' I whisper to Nathan who looks like he is about to start crying again.
'she's my sister,' he replied. They looked the same so I'm assuming that they are twins.
'where's your mum?'Midnight asked him. He just shrugged and headed towards a door. It lead to the stairs to the basement. He went down them but came back up a few minutes later while shaking his head. No-one is down there.
He went to another a door and then another but still no-one. Maybe she had been taken. But then a faint whimpering noise hit my ears and I walked towards the sound but when it didn't get louder I looked up to see that I am standing under a trap door, probably to an attic. I asked Nathan to look in there, so he opened the trap door and got the ladder down, he climbed up and then there is a loud gasp.
'are you okay?' I shout up.
'she here, mum it's me, Nathan,' he started to move away from the trapdoor.
'Nathan, my baby boy, I thought they got you too,' the sound of a womans voice drifted down to us. There is a shuffling sound and then Nathan is climbing down and helping a woman down as well.
'girls, this is my mum, sophie,' he said to us before turning to give his mum a hug.
'I found her mum,' he whisper. His mum looked at me and nodded, I didn't know what to do so I just nodded back.
'Nathan can you grab the backpack from my room please?' she asked nathan so softly. He turned and went into a different room.
He came back with the bag and passed it to his mum.
'we need to leave, now!' his mother said to us and started to walk to the front door. Midnight has been really quiet and when I turn to her, I see that she is crying softly andbthat sets me off.
Nathan gently leads us to the door and past his sisters corpse. We are about to head into the woods when we here something moving behind us. We all turn as one and see Nathans dead sister is getting up off the floor.
She looked around and saw us. Her eyes turned bright red and she screamed at us, baring her now sharp teeth at us.
'RUN!!' Sophie yelled at us.

Authors notes:
Please vote and comment. I really want to hear what you think.
And apologies if this part is rubbish, cause I am not feeling well today so if its bad tell me and I'll try to make it better.

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