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Victoria's P.O.V

I watch as the girl screams in pain, when my witch walks in, I treasure this scream, and I laugh when she leans forward and passes out.

I walk in, and I throw a bucket full of water at her, so she wakes up again. I hate this girl, she is just like her mother. 

I hate this girl, so much, she is the reason, my sister went away and had this bitch, she chose this girl over her own twin sister.

I will make her pay, my sister will pay for what she did to me.

Ivy's P.O.V

I splutter as water crashes over me. I wake up to see Victoria standing in front of me, and she looks angrier than ever. I still think that I have seen her before, but I can't put my finger on it.

I try to talk to Mircea again but there is no reply. Victoria comes forward and grabs my throat with her hands and she squeezes. I panic, she cuts of my air supply. I try to scream but I can't.

I can't pry her hands off because my hands are tied. 

I try to get into Mircea's mind but he's still not replying. My lungs are burning, and I feel my eyes roll up into my head. I feel the darkness coming again. But she lets go and tries the gag around my mouth again. This makes it harder for me to get a breathe again, because my nose is blocked from dried blood. 

The darkness creeps in closer when I can't get another breathe. And I pass out again, into the peaceful darkness.

Mircea's P.O.V

I can't breathe. My lungs, they aren't working. I panic. What's going on? Then I remember that I'm connected to Ivy. I fall onto my knees, but no-one has noticed that I have stopped, they are still walking, trying to get to the destination quicker. 

I gasp for breathe but nothing enters my lungs.

I must have made a sound because Carol turns around, and she sees me on the ground, unable to breathe.

'STOP, RAFE!' She yells forward. Rafe and everyone else turns around. Rafe runs to where I am laying on the ground but he doesn't know what to do.

'It's going to be okay, It will end,' he says. He's been driven mad, knowing that his daughter is in pain, and he thinks she can hear him, but she can't. I can hear her calling to me, but I can't reply.

The squeezing on my throat lets go, and I gasp for breathe, I feel something being put over my mouth, and I know it's a gag but that doesn't effect me.

I tell Ivy it's going to be okay and that we are on are way. But she doesn't reply, this usually means she's passed out.

I start to get up. And I feel several pairs of hands help me.

Midnight's P.O.V

I hear my sister in the torture room, but I can't do anything, I am stuck in this room. But I don't want to get out to help her, I want to get out to kill, her but they say that it's not time yet.

Auntie Victoria walks in with a smile on her.

'I think I should strangle her more often, the fear on her face is amazing,' she says to me, and I laugh.

'I prefer when she screams in pain,' I reply. This makes her smile more.

'So when do I get to see her?' I ask, this makes Victoria give me her look, the look that says no this again. But I want my part.

I will kill my sister, and it will hurt her.

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