fighting vamps

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'RUN!!' Sophie yelled at us.

So we all turned and ran as fast as we could into the forest but both Midnight and I knew that we can't out run a newly born vampire. So while we were running, we grabbed objects off the floor that could be useful to us. We grabbed thick sticks that we spiky at the end and we grabbed sharp rocks to use as a distraction.

Nathan and Sophie were running up ahead and Nathans now vampire sister is catching up. So Midnight and I stopped and turned to face the vampire. Nathan realised that we had stopped so he grabbed his mum and they turned to us.

'You may have to use your magic, Ivy,' Midnight whispered to me, it sounded so weird because I am not used to having magic. Just as I am about to reply, the vampire jumped in front of us, and it kept saying a word,

'Blood, Blood,' it is hungry but it will always be hungry.

'we have to kill it,' Sophie whispered behind us. But we had already figured that out. I focused on the vampire girl and tried to get it to freeze in time but it kept coming, so I concentrated more and imagined in my mind, with my eyes closed that it is frozen in midair.

I heard a gasp next to me and I realised that something must have happened. So I opened my eyes and saw the vampire frozen in midair. I am really getting the hang of this. Sophie walked up to it and she had a look of surprise on her face. then she looked at me and said,

'she is definitely the one.' I had no idea what she meant by that, and I didn't really want to find out. Nathan looked like he was having the time of his life.

'now what do we do with it?,' Midnight asked Sophie. Sophie just walked towards us and took the sticks from us. She walked back to the vampire and she swung her arm and there is a squelching noise and the stick went into the chest of the vampire. the vampire suddenly unfroze and collapsed to the ground. It started to scream and then as it looked at it's chest it started to crumble away into dust. Just a few seconds later and the vampire had turned into a pile of dust on the ground which is being blown away by the wind.

'now what do we do?' I asked. We all turned to Sophie because she is now the adult that has to help us.

'we know have to get you to your dad,' she replied with a sly smile on her face, as she walked away and into the woods.

'MY DAD. You know where he is?' I practically tackled Sophie, so she would give me an answer.

She laughed at my behaviour, and nodded her head. But then I started to have negative thoughts about Sophie. Was she the one that took my dad away, all of those years ago?

I turned to Midnight to see that she isn't moving, or breathing. So I ran up to her and slapped her lightly on the back to get her breathing again. She looked at me, and it is clear that is came out of her trance. tears started to build up in her eyes and tears started to build up in my eyes. We ran to catch up with Nathan and Sophie who were waiting for us ahead so we could have a bit of private time but just as we reached them, we looked up at the sky and screamed,

'WE'RE GOING TO MEET OUR DAD!!!' Sophie and Nathan laughed at us, and started to walk again.

But as I started to walk there was a flash of light. And I knew a vision is coming.

authors notes:

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and thank you to the viewers cause we are so nearly at 200.

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