the mind link

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Mircea's POV

There's no new pain at the moment, just the pain in my side and thigh, or Should I say, Ivy's thigh and side. 

I can't believe that she is going though this. Why? Why is this happening? I think for the hundredth time, but then I realise that it isn't me thinking it. It's Ivy. If I can hear her thought can she hear mine, I think to myself but I get no reply, maybe it doesn't work like that.

'Hey,' Nathan says from the door. I nod in reply. 

'I really need to talk to you about Ivy,' he says, and I nod again, I'm not a big fan of Nathan, so I really don't want to talk to him, but I will listen.

'look, I found her, and brought her here, I've already had sex with her, and I love her and I really want to go out with her, when we get her back, but I can't do that because you keep getting in the way,' he says, and I fight to stay quiet, and calm. He looks at me, waiting for a reply.

'I'm sorry, if I'm in love with her, which I am, I'm going to fight for her. Besides you fucked her when you had a girlfriend and that really hurt her feelings,' I say back, and he nods and gets up and leaves. 

I tense when I feel a cold breeze blow against my body, and it feels like my top has been taken off. I feel a cold hand travel up and down my spine but no-one is there. IVY. 

I feel a sharp point and then pain explodes in my back, and the sharp object is dragged down my back.

'RAFE,' I yell, and her dad rushes into my room.

'what? what is it? is it Ivy?' he starts asking all these questions, and all I can do is tense my jaw. Rafe comes forward with a wet towel and starts to dab the sweat off my head. He thinks Ivy will feel it and calm down.

Ivy's POV

The pain is unbearable but I still refuse to let tears fall. Since yesterday, I've felt a weird presence  near me but I don't know what it is. I must be going crazy, especially since I hear Mircea's voice before this woman came in. I heard him ask a question to himself, it was so weird. I focus on Mircea's voice and my dad's, while the pain carries on, to distract me from it, but I still scream.

My chest is cold, because the woman took my top, so she could torture me more.

where are you daddy? and you Mircea? I think to myself. She continues to drag the knife down and up my back. 

She continues for five minutes after, and then stops, she turns to the tray she brought in and picks up a bottle. I turn my head so I can see the label, and it reads vinegar.

'no, no, no, no, please,' I beg. But she just gets a cloth, pours the vinegar on it, and wipes it across my back. I scream again, and more pain explodes through me.

She stops and then walks out. Please, daddy, find me, I think in my head.

And then I hear it again, Mircea's voice, It's going to be okay, we'll find you.

Have I gone crazy? or is this something else?

Author's notes:

please vote,

please comment, the questions are in the chapter, her last questions.

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