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'Who's there?' Nathan calls out.

'Mircea, have you seen Ivy?' He replies through the door, but I think he knows the answer.

'Yeah, she's in here,' Nathan replies. I can hear an awkward shuffle on the other side of the door.

'her dad wants her, can she come out?' Mircea asks, he sounds very awkward, especially through the door. I walk out of the room and close the door behind me, leaving an upset looking Nathan, standing in his room.

'so where's my dad?' I ask, and he points to the bedroom, that I was packing in earlier. So Mircea and I walk over to the bedroom. He knocks and we hear my dad say that we can come in. It is just him in the room, and he looks very nervous about something.

'Thanks Mircea,' Rafe says from where he is standing in the middle of the room. Mircea nods and then walks out of the room, leaving me and my dad alone. 

'so what's up?' i ask, trying to make the mood, not so tense. But apparently me asking that question is a bad idea cause he looks like he about to have a mental breakdown.

'I don't really know how to say these, but I have two things,' He says, sounding like he is choking on his words.

'Okay, whatever it is, you can tell me, just say it, as if I'm not in the room,' I say, trying to help the situation, he nods.

'Okay, the first thing is that I want to make the father, daughter thing official, I have to sign papers, to make that happen, would you like that? and the second thing is that I want to marry Carol, are you okay with that?' he says the words so quick that I struggle to keep up. But I do hear and a huge smile grows on my face.

'Yes and yes,' I squeal and jump into his arms and I give him a massive hug. He laughs and visible relaxes.

'Okay, I really needed to say all that,' he laughs. He picks some papers off the desk and brings them over.

'I need your signature though, since your eighteen,' he says, and I quickly sign where I'm meant too. Once I'm done, he puts that back on the desk and then picks two boxes off the desk, he hands on to me. I look confused and open it. I gasp when I see the most beautiful locket ever. I open the locket to see a picture of Rafe and Carol in one side and a picture of Midnight and I on the other.

'I hope you don't mind but I went through your phone gallery to find the picture,' he says, looking guilty.

'That's fine,' I say, and I put the locket on. I wonder what's in the other box. Dad grabs my hand and pulls me into the big room, where everyone is waiting. He goes and get carol and then grabs everyone's attention.

'hello, everyone, I am here right now because I have something important to ask Carol,' he says, then he takes a big breathe and gets on one knee, there are several gasps and then the room plunges into silence.

'Carol, I am here today to ask, if you will make me the happiest man alive and....... marry me?' He says.

authors notes:

please vote.

please comment, should she say yes or no?

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