the beginning of the journey

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Then the world seemed to come back into focus and the men were........

What happened to the men? Everyone turned in unison towards gran but we didn't stare long because she looks like she's about to pass out. So all three of us run towards her and just manage to catch her before she falls to the ground, but she is unconscious which will make it hard for us to travel.
'What do we do now? We can't carry her,' Midnight whispers. I don't think she's convinced that the men are gone, I definitely didn't but Nathan suddenly seemed relaxed as if he believes that they are gone.
'Wait here and don't judge me for what you see next,' he said to us and he jogs around to the parking lot of the hospital.
Fifteen minutes later a black jaguar is being driven around the corner at a very fast speed. It pulls up next to is bit we can't see in because the windows are so dark. The window rolls down and Nathan is sitting in the drivers seat.
'What the hell?!' Midnight yells at him, throwing her arms up in the air and stomping away like a tempered child.
'It's are only way to go besides the owner is probably dead in the hospital now,'Nathan says back to her calmly. You could tell that this isn't his first time stealing a car. But he looked so proud of himself for doing it that it looks so cute. He gets out the jaguar and helps me get gran onto the back seat but made sure she was sitting up so there was enough room.
He gets back into the front at the drivers side and starts the engine. I get in next to him, because I know that he is right and if we want to get to his mum quick then this is the way to go, besides if the persons dead then technically it's not stealing.
We turn to stare at Midnight to see if she will get in the car or if she's going to be stubborn.
She sees us staring at her and gives a massive huff. She walks over to the car and gets in the back with gran, who is still unconscious.
She doesn't look or talk to us, so Nathan switches on the stereo and sees whats on but it's all rubbish. Then I remember having my ipod in my bag and asks if he wants to us that instead and he nods hos head to me but doesn't speak. I go in my bag and get the ipod and wire out and plug it in to the usb plug. I go through the songs and I choose 'better when I'm dancing'. Nathan smiles so I know he likes the song and I know that Midnight likes it as well.
We get onto the motorway that leads out of our village and begin the long journey ahead of us.

Authors notes:
I know this part is short but it seems to go well at this point.
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