Run away sister

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I don't know whether I should follow dad but when I look to Carol she just shakes her head and motions me to go with her. We head to the food court in the hotel and order a bunch of food and drinks to delivered to the penthouse.

I'm not in the eating mood but I saw the alcohol and decided to try and sneak that away.

'what's on your mind, you seem to be planning something,' Carol tried to make a conversation but I just shook my head.

We made our way back to the penthouse and when we got near the door, we could hear shouting, and Midnights name kept coming up.

'Where is she?' I say, rushing into the room. Dad isn't to be seen but neither is Midnight. everyone turns to look at me and some people look angry.

'where is my sister?' I yell at the person in front of me, trying to get me out of the room, and it's Nathan. I push him off, and he flies to the couch on the other side of the room. How did I do that? Sophie runs over to Nathan and helps him up.

'where is she?' I shout for a third time. But I still don't get an answer.

But then Mircea comes forward and takes my arms.

'She's gone,' He whispers. Gone, what did he mean by gone. I start to panic and now I want my sister more than anything.

'is she.......?' I let the question hang and he figures out what I'm about to say.

'no, she's not dead, she left, she went into the bathroom, but when we realised that no noise was coming from there w went to check on her and the window was open and she wasn't there,' he explains, slowly, to help let it sink in.

She ran away from me, why?

'how do we get her back?' I whisper, but this isn't answered.

I start to rush to the door, but it slams shut before I can get out of it. I try pulling it open but it doesn't move.

'your not leaving,' a woman says from behind me. I see dad come out of the bedroom, to see what the commotion is about.

'you are to stay here and you will do as your told,' she commands.

I forget that they don't know me, I don't do as I told and they don't know how extreme I can be. So I walk over to the window, which is open. and I pretend to take a deep, calming breathe in, but it's just me get a confident breathe. and then I throw myself out of the window and land on the fire escape, half way down the building. I look up to see a lot of people looking up of the window. I heard someone scream, and I realised that it had come from Carol, she pointed at my leg, and I looked and saw  a lot of blood coming from it and pain shot through me. I ignored it, I have to find my sister, so I get up and make my way down the rest of the fire escape.

But when I get to the bottom, there are people waiting for me, they grab me and I scream, causing the people who are passing by to look at us. The men put me down again, because police behind then have grabbed them. I start to walk away and I see Carol, Dad, Nathan and Sophie and Mircea, and a few guards that I don't know waiting at the end of the street but the pain is to much so just as I reach them, I fall into dad's arms and he hold me up right.

'please let us explain and then I promise I will get Midnight and your mother back, maybe If they can forgive me, we can all live here together,' he says to me. I nod and then black out for what felt like the hundredth time.

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