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I woke up into the arms of Nathan and a bright smile shone on my face as the memory of last night came to mind.. I am somehow the first awake so I take the opportunity to take a shower so my gran and Midnight wouldn't know what we had been up too.

The shower is a nice warm feeling against my skin. My lovely thought were disturbed by a knocking on the door, but before the person had even opened the door, I knew that it was my sister, there is a nice rosy smell floating in the room and I realise that is her scent. This confused me because I have never been able to smell her scent like this before. Midnight opened the door slightly and waved her hand in.

'It's me, just want to say that I'm sorry for moodiness and I will try to get along with Nathan,' she whispered but to me it sounded loud. I am starting to get scared of my heightening senses and I decided that I am going to come clean to everyone and say what happened to me in the bathroom and all the other weird things that have happened to me.

So stepping out of the bathroom in my new, fresh clothes, I cleared my throat and managed to get everyone's attention. Everyone is staring at me and my nerves started to get the better of me. Nathan must have seen my nervousness because he came over and took my hand in his and gave me warming smile. Just from that smile my courage came back.

'I have something that has been bothering me and I think I should finally come clean before we carry on with this journey. I have been experiencing weird changes to my body and it's scaring me. My hear, sight and smell has become better and heightened, also when I was in the bathroom at the hospital something happened to me, my eyes changed colour, I had claws and my teeth we a set of fangs. I could feel a bunch of power in me and I felt something move around my ribcage, all of this is scaring me and I don't know what to do about it,' I spoke confidently but my voice did shake a few times. Gran had a huge smile on her face, Midnight looked slightly scared and Nathan didn't have an expression at all.

'So it's not just me then, but I didn't feel anything on my rib cage,' Midnight whispered. I am about to reply to her but a movement in the corner of my eye caught my attention, it is grandpa, but that's impossible, he's dead.

'What's bothering you, sweety?' my gran asked. but I didn't know what to say, so I just said the truth.

'I see grandpa,' I whispered. Midnight looked as if I have lost my mind. Gran gasped and Nathan still hasn't said a word. 

But before anyone could say anything, a huge, bright light flashed before my eyes and then I was in another room.

authors notes:

please comment and vote and tell me what you think. please give your opinion or if you think I can improve what I've done then please say. and if you are confused of what's happened then also say and I will explain it to you.

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