it's being explained

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'Ivy!?' I could hear someone's voice in the darkness, some distance away.

But then it faded and everything fell silent. I felt peaceful but I wanted to wake up and see where I am and who is with me. Slowly, I started to hear voices again and someone kept whispering,

'You're okay, you just need to wake up now please, we need you back.' this comment made me wonder how long I have been asleep for. I could feel a something wet and cold being pressed onto my forehead but I couldn't understand why.

what had happened to me? Very slowly my vision started to come back into view and I saw my sister asleep next to me. It is dark outside , but I had only just woken up and it had been morning. I am in the double bed again but I am alone. Gran and Nathan weren't in the room. I sit up in the bed and I hear a noise next to me, Midnight is staring at me, but hadn't she just been asleep.

'Did I wake you?' I ask her but she shakes her head. I don't feel guilty now that I know it wasn't me who woke her.

'What happened to me?' I ask her but she doesn't answer me and she shrugs her shoulders. Maybe she is mad at me for something. I look at the clock that on the bedside table and it has the date on it. I am shocked by what I see. It has been two days since I saw mum in the weird dream thing that I had. I have been asleep for two days. Maybe that's why Midnight is mad at me. I feel something warm on my cheek and I think it's a tear because I remember what I saw tow days ago. But when I look at Midnight I can tell it isn't a tear. She looks scared and unsure of what to do. She gets up and goes to the bathroom and comes back with some tissue. I thank her and wipe my cheek, and now I can see why she looks scared because it isn't a normal tear running down my cheek, it is a blood tear. Blood is running from my eyes and I don't know what to do. I wipe the blood tears away and no more seem to come so I just break down and cry some really tears. Midnight climbs onto the bed with me and hugs me, to try and comfort me.

'What's happening to me?' I whisper and say between sobs.

'I don't know, Ivy, I wish I did but I don't, but it's going to be okay,' she whispers back in a soft, comforting voice.

The door opens and gran and Nathan walks in. A smile slips onto Nathan's face when he sees that I am awake. Gran looks happier than I've ever seen her before. Nathan's smile slips when he sees the tissue with blood on it that I still have in my hands.

'What's that?' he asks me. I just shrug because I can't think of anything to say. I turn to gran and she knows what I am going to ask, so she holds her hand up to stop me.

'I think it's time that I tell you both what's going on,' she says, with a smile on her face. But I grew angry at her because she has waited all this time to tell us what is happening but she waits until now to tell us. I've just seen our mother get kidnapped and now she decides to tell us what's going on. I yell at her and say all this as well. Midnight slowly moves away from me because I am growling, I can already see that I have claws, so I know that my eyes have changed and so have the other features that change when I get angry. Gran put her hands out in defence and she was saying how I need to calm down. She is explain why she has left it until now, she wanted us to change before she told us anything she then we would believe what she would say to us. Midnight is shaking with anger next to me, and her features have changed as well.

'Okay while you two have your tantrum, I will explain, you both are paranormal's, you mother is and so is your father. your dad is not dead but he is missing. your mother was scared that if you knew what you are then you would have wanted to practise and that would have drawn unwanted attention. There is a difference between you and no-one knows why. Ivy has more abilities, just as seeing dead people, like your grandfather and also having visions which is what you had two days ago, and she has more power, there is also a prophecy about her but I don't know the details of that. I do know that the prophecy can change. In one her sister is her friend but in the other her sister is her killer,' she said calmly.

That got my attention. Midnight could be my killer.

authors notes:

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