tiring travels.

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'you're going to be okay, I promise,' a voice in the darkness says to me. Who are you? I wanted to scream but my mouth still doesn't want to work.
The darkness started to clear. And my sister started to come into view.
I don't know where I am but I did know that the blood tears were back and this time everyone saw them.
Sophie passed me a tissue so I could wipe my eyes. Why did that keep happening? I realised that we are in a motel room and that food had been ordered.
I am super hungry so I wolfed down the food I am given.
'you knoe that you cry because the visions are too strong for you at thr moment but your body will get used to it,' Sophie said to me. She looks so happy. I just nodded, not really knowing what else to do.
'how long until we can see oir dad?' Midnight asked. Sophie smiled and replied,
'soon, about a day from now if we keep walking.' and with that comment we all got up and got out of the motel and continued the journey to where are father is at.
After an hout of walking, all the teens were tired and wanted to rest but Sophie said that if we had a break then it will take us longer to get there, so we continued even though it is starting to get hard to feel our feet.
By the end of the sixth hour of walking, we had all had enough and needed a break. It feels like it's been an eternity. I really hoped that this is for something good and that our dad doesn't turn out to be a asshole.
We stopped in a nearby park and took a seat on the benches. We are all tired and hungry and sweaty but we can't get any food cause we will get caught on more cameras than necessary.
So after an hours rest, we stood up on our painful muscles and carried on walking to god knows where. Only Sophie knew where we are headed and it is getting on my nerves. We tried to get a description about our dad from her but she wouldn't tell us anything.
We developed a pattern, that after every three hours we would stop for an hours break. We had already figured out that Sophie had lied because it has been two days since we left the motel.
None of us hace slept and none of us has eaten.
We arrived at a massive hotel which looked super expensive and Sophie walked inside of it.
'where are we?' Nathan asked looking so confused.
This is clearly a paranormal hotel because there are vampires, witches and werewolves everywhere.
Sophie walked to the front desk and we are greeted by Casanova, a nice gentle who is clearly a vampire because his fangs are showing.
'what can I do for you Soph?' he said not even looking at her but he is looking at Midnight and me.
'I have the daughters,' Sophie replied in a hushed voice.
Casanova called to someone round the back to come take his place and then he climbed over the desk and led us to an elevator.
He pushed a code into the pad and the elevator shot up at a super fast speed.
He then climbed out when the doors opened and led us to the penthouse.
He knocked once and waited. A hand shot out and grabbed hold of his shirt, yanking him in.
There is a hushed whisper coming from the other side of the door, but I heard when the word daughters was used. The conversation came to a stop and the door swung open. Casanova is seated on the couch and there is a tall, muscular man holding the door, we all rushed in.
Nathan and Sophie had taken a seat on the couch but Midnight and I were told to stay standing.
A door right in front of us opened and a man we hardly recognised walked out.
'Daddy,' we both whispered at the same time but loud enough for him to hear.

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