fighting my sister

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I look in the direction that the knives came from and saw Midnight. My twin sister just threw a knife at me and Dad. Why? I turn to dad, everything seems to be going in slow motion. Dad's arm is covered in blood, and I feel a pull towards that blood, I want to drink it. EEEEWWWWWW. I did not just have that thought. I drag myself to dad because my legs feel like jelly so I can't stand. I look at the knife in his arm. I grab the handle and pull the knife out. I have no first aid kit, and no-one else is moving cause they are all looking at Midnight. I take one of the bandages that's one my hand, from earlier, and I wrap it around dad's arm, where the wound is. Carol is looking at me and had a, 'do you need help', look. Rafe's arm is bleeding a lot, so I look at Carol and nod my head cause I have no idea what to do. She comes over and helps me to secure the bandage. I don't know why I still feel angry, if dad loves her then I should learn to, so I smiled at her, to tell her that I am okay with her.

'I'm sorry for being so angry with you before, I've had the idea of a woman taking my dad for a long time and it's hard to get that thought out, can we start over?' I ask, she looks surprised that I spoke to her but she recovered quickly.

'of course we can sweety, that would make me and your father very happy,' she smiled back at me. I nodded. We turned our attention back to Rafe who has lost consciousness on the floor.

When we secured the bandage on his arm, we turned our attention to Midnight just like everyone else.

'why did you do that to him?' I shouted at her. She looked so angry.

'HE LEFT US!' she shouted back. I understood her point but I don't think she should be this angry. I felt a tug at my hand and saw Carol taking the other bandage from my other hand. I look to see where she takes it and I see a man laying on the floor where I had been, he had a knife in his leg, He was the one that had saved me, and pushed me out the way. I turn back to Midnight. She had more knives in her hands, and she looked ready to use them.

'I'M GOING TO KILL HIM FOR THIS!' she yelled and she dropped most of the knives, except one, and she ran towards Rafe unconscious body.

'NNOOOOO!' I yell back and run towards her and I collide with her, I hear her drop the knife, and we fall to the floor. She threw punch after punch to me but I took it all, I just got my dad back, I'm not letting her take him again. I can hear people gasping behind me but it's not from us fight. I can feel something at my back, I turn my head slightly and see my wings had come out. But that didn't make Midnight , I managed to get my wings back in but Midnight and I are still fighting. I feel myself growing angrier by the second, and eventually, I got so mad that I felt something growling in me, I felt that I had wolf ears and teeth, and I felt the tail and saw the claws. Then the next second I am a massive wolf standing over my sister, who looks ready to shit her pants.

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