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I looked around my room one last time. I'd packed up basically everything in my room except my bedroom set. I wanted to be sad that I was leaving home for college but deep down I truly wasn't. I was excited and scared all at once.

"You ready to head out princess?" My dad asked standing in the open door way of my room.

Looking up at him I smiled biting back the tears of not being able to see him everyday like I was use to.

Opening his arms he sensed the water works beckoning me to enter his warm embrace. I let my tears stain his button down as he patted my back.

"I'm really going to miss y'all daddy." I said referring to him, my mom, and my little brother.

"Come on now baby girl. I thought you were excited about leaving for college. You gone make yo old man cry. You know I hate to see my baby in tears." He said sound as if he too was going to cry.

"No daddy don't cry. I'm just overwhelmed. I'm happy about college but I'm just really going to miss home that's all." I said wiping my face.

"Well as much as I hate to see you grow up on me I'm proud of you. And I don't care what it is you call me and I'll have you on the first thing back to Chicago." He stated in all seriousness.

I let a smile play on my lips before nodding my head.

Hugging me again he kissed my forehead before helping me lug my suitcases to the car.

My mom and my brother KJ waited in the car as my dad and I loaded the last of my bags.

"Mom can I go to college with key?" KJ asked once we were on the way to the airport.

He was in his seat playing one of the games on his iPad when he blurted out his question.

"No baby four year old's go to preschool. Big kids like Key go to college." My mom said in the soft low pitched voice she usually used when talking to him.

He started to pout as tears formed in his little eyes. Turning his body in my direction he gave me the saddest face.

"Please key I go with you?" His lip quivered as he spoke.

I damn near wanted to say yes and stuff him in my bag he was so adorable.

"I'm sorry love but sissy can't take you this time, but I promise I'll be back and I'll bring presents and candy. Ok?" I said using the best strategy I had in this case. Bribery.

He nodded his head agreeing, but I could tell he was still upset which only made my heart swell more on the inside.

Once we finally made it to the airport I checked my phone to see if my boyfriend had texted me. We were both attending the same college and he'd left a week earlier than I did.

Babe: hurry and get on that plane so I can see you woman. Have a safe flight and I love you 😘
10:47 a.m

-I'm about to board in a few. See you soon. I love you too 😋
10:55 a.m

I smiled to myself after replying to his text. I was happy about college but I was more excited that I'd be there with my baby.

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