Forty- Six

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Y'all are so irky for no reason. As if I didn't say I was jumping right into the time skip. As if yall aint ask for more chapters. As if I have to even write this book for y'all. Be grateful and shut up so the others can have joy. Be patient. I do everything for a reason. And to the ones who think I give a fuck if they keep reading or  not let me inform you that I could give a rats ass. I'll show you out boo. Complain again and imma mute you. Now on with MY story.

Chapter 46:


Sitting on the plane in the window seat I pulled out my blanket from my carry on bag along with my headphones. I planned to get somewhat of a nap in on my flight to Colorado. I'd been restless all week upon finally putting my reservations to the side and taking the trip.

The idea of seeing everyone had me both excited and scared in the same breath.

Chris and Royalty were on the same flight with me while Jay wouldn't be flying in until early tomorrow morning. He had business to wrap up before heading down.

Looking out the window I half listened to what the flight attendants were saying because I'd heard it so many times before. Feeling a a small hand squeeze my arm I snapped out of my daze and turned to face Royalty who was sitting between Chris and I.

Taking my hand I moved the loose strands of her that fell in her face behind her ear.

"What's up?" I asked her giving her my full attention. "Where did your dad go?" I questioned looking over at Chris's empty seat.

Pointing her thumb behind her she mouthed bathroom causing me to nod. "I see."

"Yea, so did you ask him TT?"

"Not yet boo we haven't had a chance to talk but I will today. I promise." I assured her causing her to sigh a little before nodding understandingly.

Leaning her head on my shoulder she grabbed my hand tightly once they called for take off. She still wasn't too fond of traveling by plane, but she was being a big girl about it.

Rubbing her shoulder I rocked us back and forth in a calming manner.

"You know your uncle August was once really scared to fly too." I said causing her to shake her head no.

"Yes he was. You wouldn't believe it with how he travels now but he's still scared." I said laughing to myself. "I had to hold him like a baby when we flew and rub his hair the whole flight to keep him calm."

"Its not funny." Royalty pouted. "How does he fly without you?"

Covering my mouth I ceased my laughter as I thought about her question. Soon Chris came back and took his seat. Looking at us he smiled a little before getting comfortable in his seat.

"You still scared Ro? I thought you said you wouldn't be scared this time." Chris questioned handing her, her pink blanket.

Sniffing she lifted her head that was buried under my arm and looked at him with her red nose and teary eyes. "I thought I was, but I still am."

"We could've drove if you didn't want to fly mook." Chris said looking as if seeing her cry made him want to cry. "Come here." he sighed rubbing his forehead and opening his arms for her to crawl into.

As he coached her to stop crying I looked away so I wouldn't cry. The two of them made me emotional as hell.

Chris began tickling her which turned her sobbing into full out screaming from how hard she was laughing.

"Daddy stop people are looking at us be silly." Royalty shrieked still cracking up.

"Ion care about them. They ugly anyway." Chris said scrunching up his face.

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