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No one told me life would be this way!
I swear nobody told me
Guess this is the game we chose to play
Crazy how it's always been the same!
People dying every day, that ain't nothing new. - August Alsina

It don't matter who you are
It is so simple, a feeling
But it's everything
No matter who you love
It is so simple, a feeling
But it's everything - Beyoncé

We got to make it back home tonight
So fuck the law, we brought the chrome tonight
Cause the cops won't save you, you alone tonight
So tell a young nigga am I wrong or right -meek

Key (2 weeks)

It was as if time was standing still and we were all trying to wake ourselves up from this terrible dream.

No one could sleep and my appetite wasn't there. We were all just sitting in my living room like zombies. The only thing that was really helping was the music that was playing.

And I remember when you came to the click
I had already made my name in the click, but you got famous and shit
I got my soldier rag and dangled my shit
I was down to just to hang wit you shit
And I banged to the boogie bang bang wit yo click

I silently rapped the verse in my head as I tried to focus on my school work. I was so emotional that I'd burst into tears out of nowhere. Just seeing all the guys and Odell not being with them made tears form in my eyes. Seeing Bash by herself is what really got me though. They were always together so when I seen her alone it made it more real.

I knew he wasn't dead because we'd go to the hospital everyday to see him but just seeing him like that hurt. He was really fighting for his life.

Then knowing that when he opened his eyes he probably would never walk again had us all bent out of shape.

I was grateful that he was a fighter but I knew that if he couldn't walk it would kill him on the inside no matter how alive he was.

Real Gs never buckle up
But every family ain't filled wit gangstas that's real
And that's real and I would never turn my back or turn ya down
Even if you turned around motherfucker
But history is history
I miss you and I know you missing me

The guys had been questioned by everybody who was anybody. Once news broke that Odell hadn't passed everyone was relieved. A Lot of kids from the school and numerous other places met up at the spot he was shot at where his blood still stained the sidewalk to protest and pray. Just something to keep everyone's spirits up.

The school along with other big organizations were donating money to his family for his hospital expenses along with getting him the best lawyer they could.

His suffering would not be in vein and for once somebody deserved to see their justice. It was sad that so many weren't able to hold on and passed away after such tragic events. The worse part was that they passed and received nothing in return. No justice no peace. Just another death that was unjustly justified to make an officer look superior in the eyes of the law.

The justice system is fucked up in many ways. As a minority we are still fighting to be heard but silenced because they know our voices are too powerful. We intimidate them and for that they don't want us to be great. We will never be good enough in their eyes no matter how much we accomplish. The sad thing is this is our modern day slavery. We are slaves to a system that was never set up to protect us at all.

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