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There may be more than two chapters left 😭 I just want everything to flow.

As for my future in writing... I have a idea for a book I really wanna write but if I do write it I probably won't finish the other two books. The story lines I have for them are too long and my mind aint into it right now. Twisted is guaranteed for completion so no worries there.

I have a huge problem with not finishing what I start because I get side tracked and overwhelmed but I'm proud that I've accomplished what I have 😌.

Chapter 52:


It was Christmas Day and we'd already had breakfast and exchanged gifts. Everyone was in a pretty good mood and I was thankful. Christmas was my favorite holiday and I just found joy seeing others happy.

"When is everybody heading out?" Rajah asked as we were all in the spacious kitchen just enjoying each other's company.

Bash was on baby duty so she was the only one missing at the moment.

The thought of separating from them made me instantly sad.

"We leave in the morning." August said causing me to poke out my lip.

We hadn't talked much about what would happen when we left here. I was a little scared yet anxious at the same time to see where things would go. We were just going to take things slow and let it come together.

"Aww why? Everyone else is staying until New Years." Rajah said with a frown.

Licking his lips August took a sip from his glass before speaking. "I have ta' be back in France ta' tie up some loose ends before gettin' settled and finalizing on a location fa' da' restaurant. I'm on a tight schedule so dis is literally da' only vacation I'll get dis year."

I honestly couldn't wait until he got everything together so he could get a break. If I knew August like I'm sure I did he would work himself into an early grave.

"Well we gotta make the best of y'all last night here." Jay said holding up a bottle of patron causing us all to laugh.

Typical Jayceon behavior.

"I'll get the cups." I said standing up and walking to the cabinet. Standing on my tip toes I attempted to grab the glasses off the shelf and failed miserably.

Reaching over me Odell grabbed the glasses for me.

"Thanks." I said with a small smile as I looked over his face.

His jaw was swollen at he had a small cut above his eye. I was aware that Jay roughed him up but everyone was pretending they didn't notice.

As I was about to rejoin everyone at the table he grabbed my wrist causing me to jump a little. His facial expression went sad at my reaction to him causing me to feel like shit.

"I'm sorry I-" I said before he cut me off.

"It's cool. Imma pass on the alcohol." He said excusing himself from the kitchen while the others were still in conversation at the table.

Cursing under my breath I took to glasses to the table.

As everyone poured up their shots I stayed quiet.

"Raj I know yo alcoholic ass gone drink something." Chris said to rajah who hadn't touched her shot glass.

Looking at her I waited for her to break the news.

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